The Careers and Employability Service (CES) works at the forefront of promoting placements and internship opportunities for students at the University of Westminster.

The CES works/partners with a range of organisations, including large corporates, SMEs, charities and schools. We also collaborate closely with academics across the three Colleges with many placements being embedded in our curriculum. We believe that our students and graduates can add value to your organisation and benefit from gaining commercial awareness and experience of real-life working practices in specific industries.

Benefits for your organisation

  • Extra resources to help develop your organisation
  • Fresh ideas and a new perspective on existing business challenges
  • Additional skills and knowledge that you may not have within your organisation
  • A development opportunity for existing team members to line manage
  • The flexibility to offer an internship on your premises or on a remote basis
  • Specialist skills and knowledge to help develop products and services
  • An opportunity to ‘trial’ future employees to see if they’ll fit in
  • The chance for you to help an individual launch their career

Benefits for our students

  • The development of transferable skills
  • Gain valuable work experience that enhances their future employability
  • An opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical situations in the workplace
  • Experience an industry and its culture and make a positive career choice
  • An opportunity to network and develop contacts

Good practice in work experience 

Employers and students alike benefit from structured, accessible and inclusive work experience programmes. To support you in creating your work experience offering, we have created a guide to Good Practice in Work Experience for our employer partners. 

Targeted programmes

We run a number of specific internship programmes to support groups of our students and graduates. 

Autistic Talent Internships (ATI)

Autistic Talent Internships (ATI) is a programme aiming to support autistic students find paid work experience.

Funding is available for 10 paid internships for autistic students / recent graduates. These run for eight weeks on a full-time basis or can be spread over 40 days on a part-time basis. The internships will begin in Autumn 2024. There is no cost to the employer as interns will be paid by the University.

The benefits of taking part as employers include:

  • Free training in working with people with autism, run by Ambitious about Autism
  • Access to a pool of untapped diverse talent, reflecting the diversity of your clients and communities
  • Potentially becoming a ‘Disability Confident’ Employer

Contact for more information.

Please note to use any of our services you must meet our terms of service.