Connecting education with industry and community
Step up: taking student career prospects to a new level
Whether you're a current, former or prospective Westminster student, our purpose-designed, work-oriented environment will help grow your industry skillset, connections and job opportunities.
Step in: our front door to local and global businesses
Connect your business or organisation with enterprising talent from one of the most diverse student bodies in the UK. Access our expertise, get support on live projects, engage with prospective employees, and deliver inspirational events and activities.
Get in the zone
Discover how Zone29 can transform your professional future.
Connect: networking opportunities for University colleagues
The University’s academic and professional services colleagues can share ideas and opportunities with like-minded businesses within their specialism, service or research interest. Spread your passion and grow your network.
Unite: the heart of Westminster – in location and spirit
We’ll provide training and collaboration opportunities for locals – be it prospective students, businesses, non-profits, social enterprises, organisations or residents. Help shape your community hub, which places inclusion, sustainability and accessibility at its core.
Step up. Stand out.
Zone29 is a physical and digital space that connects Westminster’s diverse student talent with the world of business and its local community.
A revived nine-storey building, set to open in early 2026, will see students, alumni, businesses, organisations, colleagues and residents co-create in an inclusive, sustainable environment.
Through innovative training, facilities and career opportunities, we’ll inspire new jobs, enterprises and game-changing collaborations – in Westminster, London and beyond.
Become a sponsor
Your donation will go a long way. Discover how you can support the future of Westminster, its people and enterprises.
Next-level collaboration
We have an excellent track record of innovative collaborations with businesses and organisations. Zone29 will take it to a new level.
Building futures
A significant renovation project, backed by a £5.8m grant from the Office for Students (OfS), is regenerating our building at 29 Marylebone Road. For updates, visit the Morgan Sindall website.