Looking to fill a vacancy and want to talk to our students and graduates directly? Our team offers a range of specialised and tailored services to help you reach the right people at the right time.

Online jobs board

With our free online vacancy service, you can access an audience of over 20,000 future stars.

You can post vacancies to Westminster Engage careers and vacancy management system or find out more in our FAQs.

Careers events

We offer a variety of careers events throughout the academic year to enable you to meet with our talented students and recent graduates. You can find out more about the range of sessions available and upcoming dates on our Fairs and events page.

Placements and internships

Our dedicated placement team works with you to promote your opportunity to targeted groups of students. For exclusive vacancies, the team may also be able to assist you with short-listing, interview coordination and selection.

Offering placements and internships to our students allows you to meet potential recruits and gain new insights and skills for your business. Visit our page for more information about how to offer a placement or internship.

Westminster Industry Exchange Network Projects

Our Industry Exchange Programme, the Westminster IXN, enables companies to collaborate with students from the School of Computer Science and Engineering to explore technological solutions for addressing business challenges. The students typically create proof of concepts or prototypes to demonstrate how these challenges can be tackled, offering valuable insights to your organisation. 

Our students can collaborate with you on projects in the following areas: 

  • AI and Machine Learning 
  • Cybersecurity and Risk Analysis 
  • Data Analytics, Exploration, and Visualisation 
  • Game Design 
  • Web and App Development 

If you are a company interested in this programme and seeking to connect with the University of Westminster to work with our talented students or promote social mobility, please complete our expression of interest form, and a member of the team will be in contact.

Recruiting international graduates

Are you interested in recruiting an international student but are uncertain about how to proceed?

The lnternationalisation Task Group of the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) has prepared a guide to help employers consider recruiting international graduates from UK universities.

Access the Recruiting international graduates guide for employers

Contact us

For an informal discussion about how we could support your recruitment, contact a member of the Recruiter Engagement Team at .