Research excellence with impact
Research at Westminster furthers our University’s historic mission to enable people from every background to reach their full potential.
At Westminster, researchers ask the questions that expand beyond existing boundaries. Continuing our pioneering past, colleagues and students, thinkers and creators, all come together in our Research Communities, Groups and Centres to look forward, anticipate what’s changing, and embrace the new with energy and imagination.
Interested in applying for a research degree?
We offer research degrees leading to the award of MPhil, PhD and DProf, in a variety of research areas.
People search
Our four research communities bring together and build on the work of our many strong, existing research groups and centres
Read moreGo to Communities page
Groups and centres
Our groups and centres undertake pioneering research in a diverse range of areas.
Read moreGo to Groups and centres page
WestminsterResearch is the University of Westminster's institutional repository, containing a record of the research output of the University's academic community, including doctoral theses.
Read moreGo to WestminsterResearch page
Get involved with student radio
Boost your employability and kickstart your media portfolio by volunteering at our award-winning radio station, Smoke Radio. You'll learn how to produce, record and edit audio and video content on industry-standard equipment, along with picking up transferable skills like writing, podcasting, social media production, event organising and teamwork.
We've won Best Student Station in the UK twice in the last few years. As part of our prize in 2019, our students had the opportunity to take over three early breakfast shows on BBC Radio One, producing and presenting over five hours of radio for a UK and global audience.
Check out our Smoke Radio page to see how you can get involved.
Graduate School
Developing and sustaining research is a key priority and we support and develop our people accordingly.
Westminster’s Graduate School provides a thriving home for our doctoral researchers and a vibrant researcher development programme benchmarked to national and European standards.
Researcher support
Find advice relating to Open Access, WestminsterResearch, University of Westminster Press, Research data and the Research and scholarly communications team.
Read moreGo to Researcher support page
Research governance
Research governance covers the research framework, research ethics and the college research ethics committee.
Related pages
Contact us
Contact the Research and Knowledge Exchange Office (RKEO):
[email protected]
Contact the Director of Graduate School:
[email protected]