Colleague networks

Our colleague networks have been at the forefront of change-making through our equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives. By joining our networks, colleagues can benefit both professionally and personally by making a wide range of connections and engaging in such a way that will reward their role within Westminster.

We offer not just our colleagues but people from different walks of life, a safe space, through inspiring and stimulating talks, workshops and seminars.

Whilst the following networks are currently our most active, the University environment is supportive to create more.

Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Network

About us

We are a growing network of 200+ ethnic minority and white ally colleagues. Our membership is open to all colleagues at the University, although most of our members have African, Asian and Caribbean heritage.

Our purpose

We exist to advance race equality and equity in the University by:

  • giving our members a voice
  • raising awareness and articulating our members’ needs by ensuring we meet with the Senior Management Team twice a year
  • creating safe spaces for members to share experiences and find mutual support
  • inspiring members to aim higher and achieve career success  
  • supporting and enabling the University to better serve its BME colleague community
  • celebrating Black history throughout the year and not just in October

We action with:

  • representing our members at various decision-making fora including the EDI Committee
  • supporting improved policy, provision and practice by being a critical friend to the University
  • breaking barriers by offering and supporting CPD-relevant training, events and workshops for members and stakeholders
  • working intersectionally with other colleague networks

*The term ‘BME’ is applied in a non-homogenous sense, given the diversity that is inherent with ethnicity. A person is defined as BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) if they are African, Asian, Chinese, Caribbean or self-define as belonging to a minority ethnic group in the UK. While we oppose all forms of structural racism (including terminology), we recognise the collective and ongoing efforts that are required to become truly anti-racist.

If you would like to contact the Co-Chairs of the BME Colleague Network, please email us at [email protected].


Colleague Disability Network

About us

The Colleague Disability Network (CDN) was formed in July 2021 to create a safe space from which to recognise successes achieved and promote positive adjustments for colleagues impacted by disability*.

Our purpose

We embed recognition for the value added by disability in the University of Westminster by:

  • recognising the impact of colleagues' health or disability within working conditions and career progression
  • championing achievements in those affected
  • challenging existing practices based on members feedback on their experiences and by doing so, contributing to refinement of existing policies and procedures
  • promoting inclusivity relating to disability-linked needs for all colleagues within all aspects of our organisational structures
  • enabling a working environment that is transparent and equitable for all
  • inspiring all network members to realise their full potential

We action with:

  • representing our members at various internal decision-making committees, events and meetings including the EDI committee
  • promoting review and improvement of policies and procedures for colleagues affected by disability within the university to align with existing good practice models within the sector
  • embedding reasonable adjustments for colleagues affected by disabilities to ensure constraints which impact their work or attainment do not impact either their health, work-life balance or career progression opportunities
  • emphasising the positives associated with the diversity of our colleagues and celebrating this in workshops and annual events
  • working inter-sectionally with internal Colleague Networks (Black Minority and Ethnic (BME), Faith, Spirituality and Belief, Q+ and Women of Westminster (WOW)) and external networks (eg National Association of Disabled Staff Networks)
  • engaging openness and inclusion as standard at the University of Westminster

*The Equality Act, 2010 guidance definition of disability is “a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ negative effect on [their] ability to do normal daily activities”. The intention of this network is to have a much wider reach, recognising that members could be negatively affected by health conditions impacting those in their wider networks.

If you would like to contact us, please email us on .

Faith Spirituality and Belief Colleague Network

About us

Faith Spirituality and Belief (FSB) is a growing community of all faiths and none.* Our membership is open to all University colleagues.

* This includes secular and ‘spiritual but not religious’ beliefs, non-linear faith styles, and other worldviews. This scope is adopted in the spirit of the Equality Act 2010’s recognition of Religion and Belief as a protected characteristic, inclusive of the absence of a religion or belief.

Our purpose

We exist to promote a welcoming and inclusive environment at the University. We positively represent the value of faith and belief as integral to our work, study and lives.

We do this by:

  • advocating the strategic importance of faith and belief at the University and in colleagues’ workplace identity, and their wellbeing
  • supporting and enabling the University to better service colleague and student communities on faith, spirituality and belief
  • identifying ways of challenging workplace discrimination and stereotyping among colleagues, students and stakeholders
  • recognising and embracing our intersectionality with colleague networks at the University, our changing identities and heterogeneity within traditions

We action with:

  • promoting interfaith and interbelief dialogue across the University, collaborating with colleague networks across the Equality Diversity and inclusion (EDI) umbrella, student communities and stakeholders at all levels
  • supporting improved policy, practice, provision and consultation on matters of faith, spirituality and belief
  • creating safe and inclusive spaces for colleagues to share, network, socialise and be received compassionately
  • celebrating and facilitating events which involve our faith and spiritual communities as well as stakeholders inside and outside the University
  • undertaking research to promote best practice and to foster belonging among University colleagues and students

If you would like to contact us, please email .

Q+ Network

About us

Q+* Network is a group for LGBTQ+ colleagues and allies. We provide space to build community and a sense of belonging, and to advocate for equity, diversity and inclusivity for colleagues at Westminster. We recognise oppression, prejudice and/or discrimination that continue to affect the working conditions and career prospects of queer workers at the University. The Network aims to provide a supportive environment for members to share experiences, access peer support and to consider how best to convert personal lived experience into proposals for action. Taking an intersectional approach, Q+ draws from ‘best practices’ from other staff networks within and beyond the University and is ultimately dedicated to improving inclusivity, transparency and equity for all. The Network is self-managed and not driven by the University. 

Our purpose

  • Creating a welcoming, inclusive and supportive environment for members
  • Providing a regular forum for members to discuss, share, learn and build community
  • Identifying, challenging and eliminating workplace prejudice, discrimination, harassment and victimisation based on minoritized gender and sexuality
  • Pushing for and effecting change via events, campaigns, EDI forums and University policy recommendations
  • Facilitating opportunities for colleagues to network, organise events, learn and socialise
  • Building solidarity with other staff and student groups within the University to work towards queer liberation

* The term ‘Q+’ has been adopted as an umbrella term to cover the wider Queer community, including but not limited to, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and Non-Binary Communities.

If you would like to contact us, please email us at [email protected].


Committee Members:

  • Rachel Aldred – Secretary
  • Eduardo Lees – Engagement and Events
  • Rhiannon Thomas-Val – Engagement and Events
  • Michelle Medina Smith – Engagement and Events

Women of Westminster (WOW)

About us

WOW is a women’s network which lobbies for gender equity, diversity, and inclusion. WOW members include all women and allies. We are a 300+ strong community and feature members across the University at all levels.

Our purpose

We work towards a university that:

  • responds and understands the needs of all its members
  • understands intersectionality and treats all its members fairly and equitably
  • champions and believes in inclusive decision making
  • inclusive and proudly reflects the diversity of the community it serves

In practice, we would like to see women have:

  • more opportunities to develop and progress in their career
  • hold more senior and leadership roles
  • an equitable share of workload
  • improved recognition and provision for their living and lived work experiences
  • clarity and transparency improved on all relevant matters

We action with:

  • creating a safe space for members to voice their concerns and access support online and offline
  • gathering and articulating our collective position through surveys, group meetings and one-to-one consultations
  • representation at various decision-making bodies including the EDI Committee
  • organising events, workshops, and seminars
  • facilitating additional training, mentoring, and coaching
  • undertaking research

Current projects members can get involved with:

  • Menopause Group
  • Aurora Leadership Alumni Group
  • Mentoring Group
  • Side Hustling Group
  • Gender-Based Violence Group

If you would like to contact us, please email us at .


Sobia Razzaq

Dr Kumari Juddoo