Books and monographs
Marco Roscini, International Law and the Principle of Non-Intervention: History, Theory, and Interactions with Other Principles (Oxford University Press 2024).
Marco Roscini, 网络行动与国际法中的使用武力 (Cyber Operations and the Use of Force in International Law) (Law Press China 2024).
- M. Longobardo, The Use of Armed Force in Occupied Territory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, 342 pp.
- M. Roscini, Cyber Operations and the Use of Force in International Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, XXVI-307pp.
- D.H. Joyner and M. Roscini (eds.), Non-proliferation Law as a Special Regime, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, X-291pp.
Chapters in books
Giulio Bartolini and Marco Longobardo, “The Italian Legislation on War Crimes: Obligations to Implement and Principle of Legality” in Florian Jeßberger, Chantal Meloni, and Maria Crippa (eds), Domesticating International Criminal Justice: Reflections on the Italian and German Experiences (Routledge 2023) 147-160.
Marco Longobardo, “Animals in Occupied Territory” in Anne Peters, Robert Kolb, Jérôme de Hemptinne (eds), Animals in the International Law of Armed Conflict (Cambridge University Press 2022) 217-233.
Marco Roscini and Marco Longobardo, “Demilitarised Zones” in Eric PJ Myjer, Thilo Marauhn (eds), Research Handbook on Arms Control Law (Edward Elgar 2022) 467-480.
M. Longobardo, “Means of Combat: General Rules and Certain Conventional Weapons” in Dieter Fleck (ed.), The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law (4th edn, Oxford University Press 2021) 129-156.
- M. Longobardo“Due Diligence and International Humanitarian Law” in Heike Krieger, Anne Peters, Leonhard Kreuzer (eds.), Due Diligence in the International Legal Order (Oxford University Press 2020) 183-199.
- M. Longobardo, “Robust Peacekeeping Mandates: An Assessment in Light of Jus Post Bellum” in Carsten Stahn and Jens Iverson (eds.), Just Peace After Conflict: Jus Post Bellum and the Justice of Peace (Oxford University Press 2020) 165-183.
- M. Longobardo, “Training and Education of Armed Forces in the Age of High-Tech Hostilities” in Elena Carpanelli, Nicole Lazzerini (eds.), Use and Misuse of New Technologies: Contemporary Challenges in International and European Law (Springer 2019) 73-91.
- Marco Roscini, 'Cyber sicurezza nello spazio: aspetti giuridici’, in: Sergio Marchisio and Umberto Montuoro (eds.), Lo spazio «cyber» e cosmico. Risorse «dual use» per il sistema Italia in Europa (Giappichelli, 2019), 247-256.
- Marco Roscini, ‘Proportionality in Cyber Targeting’, in: James Gow, Ernst Dijxhoorn, Rachel Kerr and Guglielmo Verdirame (eds.), Routledge Handbook of War, Law and Technology (Routledge, 2019), 88-100.
- M. Longobardo, 'L’obbligo per gli Stati di assumere tutte le informazioni necessarie prima di un attacco ai sensi del diritto internazionale umanitario fra nuove e vecchie forme di intelligence', in Andrea Spagnolo, Stefano Saluzzo (eds), La responsabilità degli Stati e delle organizzazioni internazionali: nuove fattispecie e problemi di attribuzione e di accertamento, Ledizioni, Milano, 2017, pp. 37-60.
- M. Longobardo, 'L’applicabilità delle norme riguardanti lo spionaggio e la partecipazione diretta dei civili alle ostilità al fenomeno del Cyber Exploitation', in Marcella Distefano (ed.), La protezione dei dati personali ed informatici nell’era della sorveglianza globale: temi scelti, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2017, pp. 37-65.
- M. Roscini, 'International Law, Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones and the Proposed Zone Free of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East', in: G. Nystuen, S. Casey-Maslen and A. Golden Bersagel (eds.), Nuclear Weapons under International Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 321-346.
- R. Mackenzie, 'The Selection of International Judges', in: C. Romano, Y. Shany and K. Alter (eds.), The Oxford Handbook on International Adjudication, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 737-756.
- D.H. Joyner and M. Roscini, 'Withdrawal from Non-proliferation Treaties', in: D.H. Joyner and M. Roscini (eds.), Non-proliferation Law as a Special Regime, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 151-171
- R. Mackenzie, 'The Role of Dispute Settlement in the Climate Change Regime', in: J. Brunnée, M. Doelle and L. Rajamani (eds.), Promoting Compliance in an Evolving Climate Regime,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 395-417
- R. Mackenzie, 'Biological Diversity', in: P. Sands and J. Peel with A. Fabra and R. Mackenzie, Principles of International Environmental Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 4th edition, 2018, pp. 384-454.
- E. McClean, 'The Responsibility To Protect: The Role of International Human Rights Law', in: D.L. Shelton (eds.), The United Nations System for the Protection of Human Rights, Farham: Ashgate 2014, pp. 15-42.
- M. Longobardo, “Means of Combat: General Rules and Certain Conventional Weapons” in Dieter Fleck (ed.), The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law (4th edn, Oxford University Press 2021) pp. 129-156
- M. Longobardo“Due Diligence and International Humanitarian Law” in Heike Krieger, Anne Peters, Leonhard Kreuzer (eds.), Due Diligence in the International Legal Order (Oxford University Press 2020) pp. 183-199
- M. Longobardo, “Robust Peacekeeping Mandates: An Assessment in Light of Jus Post Bellum” in Carsten Stahn and Jens Iverson (eds.), Just Peace After Conflict: Jus Post Bellum and the Justice of Peace (Oxford University Press 2020) pp. 165-183
- M. Longobardo, “Training and Education of Armed Forces in the Age of High-Tech Hostilities” in Elena Carpanelli, Nicole Lazzerini (eds.), Use and Misuse of New Technologies: Contemporary Challenges in International and European Law (Springer 2019) pp. 73-91
Articles in refereed journals
Marco Longobardo, “Introduction to the Symposium The MONUSCO Intervention Brigade at Ten: Ten Years of the MONUSCO Intervention Brigade International Law Concerns on the Future of Peacekeeping and the Protection of Civilians” (2024) 15 Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 203-208.
Marco Longobardo, "The MONUSCO Force Intervention Brigade at 10 and the Quest for Fair UN Peacekeeping Involvement in Non-International Armed Conflicts” (2024) 15 Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 228-245.
Marco Longobardo, “The Applicability of Apartheid to Situations of Occupation: At the Crossroads between International Humanitarian Law, International Criminal Law, and International Human Rights Law” (2024) 24 Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional 3-36.
Marco Longobardo, “Occupying Powers, Obligations of Prevention and Private Actors in Occupied Territory: A Theoretical Inquiry under the Law of Occupation” (2023) 58 Texas International Law Journal 71-97.
Marco Roscini and Riccardo Labianco, ‘The Intersections Between the Arms Trade Treaty and the International Law of Foreign Intervention in Situations of Internal Unrest’ (2022) 52 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights 365.
Marco Longobardo, “Legal Perspectives on the Role of the Notion of «Denazification» in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine under Jus contra Bellum and Jus in Bello” [2021] 54 Revue Belge de Droit International (2023) 209-235.
Marco Longobardo and Stuart Wallace, “The 2021 ECtHR’s Decision on Georgia v Russia (II) Case and the Application of Human Rights Law to Extraterritorial Hostilities” (2022) 55 Israel Law Review 145-177.
Marco Longobardo, “The Duties of Occupying Powers in Relation to the Prevention and Control of Contagious Diseases through the Interplay between International Humanitarian Law and the Right to Health” (2022) 54 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 757-804.
M. Longobardo, 'The Standing of Indirectly Injured States in the Litigation of Community Interests before the ICJ: Lessons Learned and Future Implications in Light of The Gambia v. Myanmar and Beyond' (2022) 24 International Community Law Review.
- M. Longobardo, 'State Immunity and Judicial Countermeasures' (2021) 32 European Journal of International Law 457-484.
- M. Longobardo, 'Introduction to the Special Issue on Italy’s Legal Obligations to Criminalise' (with Francesca Capone), (2021) 21 International Criminal Law Review 623-640.
- M. Longobardo, 'The Italian Legislature and International and EU Obligations of Domestic Criminalisation' (2021) 21 International Criminal Law Review 623-640.
- M. Longobardo, 'The Legality of Closure on Land and Safe Passage between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank' (2021) 11 Asian Journal of International Law 50-88.
- M. Longobardo, 'States’ Mouthpieces or Independent Practitioners? The Role of Counsel before the ICJ from the Perspective of the Legal Value of Their Oral Pleadings' (2021) 20 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 54-76.
- M. Longobardo, 'Super-Robust’ Peacekeeping Mandates in Non-International Armed Conflicts under International Law' [2020] 24 Spanish Yearbook of International Law 42-72.
- M. Longobardo, 'The Relevance of the Concept of Due Diligence for International Humanitarian Law' (2019) 37 Wisconsin International Law Journal 44-87.
- M. Longobardo, 'The Occupation of Maritime Territory under International Humanitarian Law' (2019) 95 International Law Studies 322-361.
- M. Longobardo, 'The Criminalisation of Intra-Party Offences in Light of Some Recent ICC Decisions on Children in Armed Conflict” (2019) 19 International Criminal Law Review 600-634.
- M. Longobardo, 'L’obbligo di prevenzione del genocidio e la distinzione fra obblighi di condotta e obblighi di risultato' (2019) 13 Diritti umani e diritto internazionale 237-256.
- M. Longobardo, 'The Contribution of International Humanitarian Law to the Development of the Law of International Responsibility Regarding Obligations Erga Omnes and Erga Omnes Partes' (2018) 23 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 433-460.
- M. Longobardo, 'Rapporti fra strumenti di codificazione: il progetto di articoli sulla responsabilità degli Stati e le convenzioni di diritto internazionale umanitario' (2018) 101 Rivista di diritto internazionale 1136-1163.
- Marco Roscini, ‘Intervention in XIXth Century International Law and the Distinction between Rebellions, Insurrections, and Civil Wars’, 50 Israel Yearbook on Human Rights (2020), 269-303
- Marco Roscini, ‘Gravity in the Statute of the International Criminal Court and Cyber Conduct that Constitutes, Instigates or Facilitates International Crimes’, 30 Criminal Law Forum (2019), 247-272.
- M. Roscini, 'Animals and the Law of Armed Conflict', Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, vol. 47 (2017), pp. 35-67.
- M. Longobardo, 'The Self-Proclaimed Statehood of the Islamic State between 2014 and 2017 and International Law', 33 Anuario español de derecho internacional, 2017 pp. 205-228.
- M. Longobardo, '(New) Cyber Exploitation and (Old) International Humanitarian Law', 77 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 2017, pp. 809-834.
- M. Longobardo, 'Factors Relevant for the Assessment of Sufficient Gravity in the ICC. Proceedings and the Elements of International Crimes', Zoom-In 33 Questions of International Law 2016, pp. 21-41.
- M. Longobardo, 'State Responsibility for International Humanitarian Law Violations by Private Actors in Occupied Territories and the Exploitation of Natural Resources', 63 Netherlands International Law Review 2016, pp. 251-274.
- M. Longobardo, 'Everything Is Relative, Even Gravity: Remarks on the Assessment of Gravity in ICC Preliminary Examinations, and the Mavi Marmara affaire', 14 Journal of International Criminal Justice 2016, pp. 1011-1030.
- M. Longobardo, 'Some Developments in the Prosecution of International Crimes Committed in Palestine: Any Real News?', 35 Polish Yearbook of International Law (2015), 2016, pp. 109-137.
- M. Longobardo, 'The Palestinian Right to Exploit the Dead Sea Coastline for Tourism', 58 German Yearbook of International Law (2015), 2016, pp. 317-352.
- M. Roscini, 'Evidentiary Issues in International Disputes Related to State Responsibility for Cyber Operations', 50 Texas International Law Journal (2015), 233-273.
- M. Roscini, 'Cyber Operations as Nuclear Counterproliferation Measures', 19 Journal of Conflict and Security Law (2014), pp. 133-157.
- M. Roscini, 'Establishing State Responsibility for Historical Injustices: The Armenian Case', 14 International Criminal Law Review (2014), pp. 291-316.
- M. Longobardo, 'The Standing of Indirectly Injured States in the Litigation of Community Interests before the ICJ: Lessons Learned and Future Implications in Light of The Gambia v. Myanmar and Beyond' (2022) 24 International Community Law Review
- M. Longobardo, 'State Immunity and Judicial Countermeasures' (2021) 32 European Journal of International Law pp. 457-484
- M. Longobardo, 'Introduction to the Special Issue on Italy’s Legal Obligations to Criminalise' (with Francesca Capone), (2021) 21 International Criminal Law Review pp. 623-640
- M. Longobardo, “The Italian Legislature and International and EU Obligations of Domestic Criminalisation” (2021) 21 International Criminal Law Review pp. 623-640
- M. Longobardo, “The Legality of Closure on Land and Safe Passage between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank” (2021) 11 Asian Journal of International Law pp. 50-88
- M. Longobardo, “States’ Mouthpieces or Independent Practitioners? The Role of Counsel before the ICJ from the Perspective of the Legal Value of Their Oral Pleadings” (2021) 20 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals pp. 54-76
- M. Longobardo, “‘Super-Robust’ Peacekeeping Mandates in Non-International Armed Conflicts under International Law” [2020] 24 Spanish Yearbook of International Law pp. 42-72
- M. Longobardo, “The Relevance of the Concept of Due Diligence for International Humanitarian Law” (2019) 37 Wisconsin International Law Journal pp. 44-87
- M. Longobardo, “The Occupation of Maritime Territory under International Humanitarian Law” (2019) 95 International Law Studies pp. 322-361
- M. Longobardo, “The Criminalisation of Intra-Party Offences in Light of Some Recent ICC Decisions on Children in Armed Conflict” (2019) 19 International Criminal Law Review pp. 600-634
- M. Longobardo, “L’obbligo di prevenzione del genocidio e la distinzione fra obblighi di condotta e obblighi di risultato” (2019) 13 Diritti umani e diritto internazionale pp. 237-256
- M. Longobardo, “The Contribution of International Humanitarian Law to the Development of the Law of International Responsibility Regarding Obligations Erga Omnes and Erga Omnes Partes” (2018) 23 Journal of Conflict and Security Law pp. 433-460
- M. Longobardo, “Rapporti fra strumenti di codificazione: il progetto di articoli sulla responsabilità degli Stati e le convenzioni di diritto internazionale umanitario” (2018) 101 Rivista di diritto internazionale pp. 1136-1163
Other publications
- Alexandra Fowler, ‘Australian war crimes in Afghanistan: Prosecutions face an uncertain road ahead’, ILA Reporter (4 June 2021)