About the centre
The International Law at Westminster research cluster (ILaW) was founded in 2014 by Professor Marco Roscini to bring together academics and PhD students who research international law at Westminster Law School.
Browse through our research into international law at the University of Westminster.
Marco Roscini, International Law and the Principle of Non-Intervention: History, Theory, and Interactions with Other Principles (Oxford University Press 2024)
Giulio Bartolini and Marco Longobardo, “The Italian Legislation on War Crimes: Obligations to Implement and Principle of Legality” in Florian Jeßberger, Chantal Meloni, and Maria Crippa (eds), Domesticating International Criminal Justice: Reflections on the Italian and German Experiences (Routledge 2023) 147-160.
Marco Longobardo, “Animals in Occupied Territory” in Anne Peters, Robert Kolb, Jérôme de Hemptinne (eds), Animals in the International Law of Armed Conflict (Cambridge University Press 2022) 217-233.
Marco Roscini and Marco Longobardo, “Demilitarised Zones” in Eric PJ Myjer, Thilo Marauhn (eds), Research Handbook on Arms Control Law (Edward Elgar 2022) 467-480.
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