About Us
The mission of the University of Westminster's Graduate School is to provide a distinctive, high-quality and vibrant experience for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. The Graduate School supports comprehensive early-career researcher development and promotes a strong culture of theoretical, practice-based and professional-doctoral research. It seeks to engage with relevant external stakeholders and contribute to the development of the future research agenda both nationally and internationally.
Westminster holds Graduate School Festival
Westminster hosted its annual Graduate School Festival in June showcasing the research, creativity and ambition of the University’s community of doctoral researchers.
University of Westminster ranked within top 20 UK universities in latest Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)
Westminster postgraduate researchers’ overall satisfaction hit 83% in the 2023 survey, a further 1% increase from 2021. The enhanced score puts Westminster in 18th spot out of 100 universities ranked across the UK, with its highest ever overall PRES satisfaction rating.
Read moreGo to postgraduate research experience news article
Virtual Research Environment (VRE)
The Virtual Research Environment (VRE) is the Graduate School’s online system that allows you to manage your doctoral researcher record from anywhere in the world.
Academic Programme
The Graduate School Board is responsible for ensuring a robust institutional framework for its research degree programmes, which includes a regulatory, quality assurance and a policy framework.
Doctoral Researcher Development Programme
The DRDP consists of tailor-made workshops, specialist skills sessions and personal development planning activities, designed for you to develop experience and skills relevant to academic study.
Read moreGo to Doctoral Researcher Development Programme page
Want to apply for a research degree?
We offer research degrees leading to the award of MPhil, PhD and DProf in a variety of research areas. At Westminster, we are known for high-quality internationally recognised research in a wide range of subjects, and for our combination of pure, practice-led and applied approaches.
Supervisor training and resources
As a member of research staff, you are part of a large and diverse community of researchers. You belong to an interdisciplinary environment and you can make contributions to further strengthening research culture and activity at local and institutional level, and beyond.
Graduate School Office
The Graduate School Office is the administrative and support hub for all doctoral researchers at Westminster. We provide a range of services relating to the academic administration and maintenance of your student record as well as being the main contact for all your Graduate School related issues.
Wellbeing When Writing resources
The Wellbeing When Writing project was run by the Graduate School during 2018–2019. It was based on our sense that the wellbeing of doctoral students was strongly linked to their experience of writing. In response, a series of workshops were held to address the particular demands of each doctoral year. The resources developed can be also used by colleagues across other institutions in developing workshops or materials for their own doctoral students.
Helpful links
It is important to explore your funding options before you start your course to ensure you have funds for your living costs, study needs and money to pay your course tuition fee. Information about course tuition fees is available on the individual course pages.
Globally Engaged Research Doctoral Scholarship Scheme
In support of global engagement, we are pleased to offer a series of scholarships to doctoral researchers fully enrolled on any of our programmes.
Professor Geoffrey Petts Memorial Fund
In memory of the late Professor Geoffrey Petts, former Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Westminster, the University has established a research fund to recognise the distinguished contributions he made to interdisciplinary river science research and his belief that all students, regardless of their financial situation, should have the opportunity to succeed.
Contact us
Dr Margherita Sprio
Head of the Graduate School
[email protected]
Dr Sylvia Shaw
Assistant Head of the Graduate School
[email protected]