CSD Bulletin 1997 – 2015

With the Centre for the Study of Democracy having been founded in 1989, the CSD Bulletin was first published in 1993. The 20 volumes of the CSD Bulletin contain articles on a wide variety of topics in international politics, from guest authors and CSD staff.

Volume 1

Year: 1993

Contents: Margaret Blunden on Europe and the Maghreb; Martyn Oliver on pragmatism; Niels Jacob Harbitz on literacy; Richard Barbrook on the media and freedom; Richard Whitman on the European Community.

Volume 1, issue 2

Year: 1994

Contents: Alain Touraine on democracy and recognition; Anne Philipps on the politics of presence; Jean-Pierre Boyer on ‘the public’; Chris Sparks on uncertainty and politics; Irene Brennan on The Asian and Latin American Agreement.

Volume 2, issue 2

Year: 1995

Contents: The New Congress; Russian politics; UN-Victorious; Twilight of Modernity; Theatrical Politics; Democracy's Future; Hard Core Europe

Volume 2, issue 3

Year: 1995

Contents: Pierre Hassner on refugees; Stephen Haseler on monarchy; Vukasin Pavlovic on Serbia; Margaret Blunden on the post-Cold War world; Irene Brennan on the EU and Russia; Jeremy Colwill on the ‘public interest’ in law; Modesta Saavedra on the media; Bikhu Parekh on liberalism and cultural diversity.

Volume 3, issue 1

Year: 1995

Contents: Bernard Rorke on English identity; Jeremy Tatman on Andre Gorz; Juan E. Corradi on fear; John B. Thompson on communication media; Martyn Oliver on post-foundationalism; Richard Huggins on media cultures; Meltem Ahiska on metropolitan life; John Keane on violence; Chantal Mouffe on politics and passions; Bridget Cotter on Arendt.

Volume 3, issue 2

Year: 1996

Contents: Party time in Congress?; American citizenship; local frontiers in Europe; problems in the Kingdom of Rights; Populism: democracy's shadow; the European Court of Justice.

Volume 3, issue 3

Year: 1996

Contents: Multiculturalism; body politics; ENDing the Cold War; Anti-Semitism 

Volume 4, issue 1

Year: 1996

Contents: Graeme Duncan on multiculturalism; Daniele Archibugi on cosmopolitan democracy; John Keane on Beirut; Julian Kirby on the Clinton presidencies; Pierre Hasner interviewed by Bridget Cotter; Takashi Inoguchi on Asia and democracy.

Volume 4, issue 2

Year: 1997 

Contents: Chantal Mouffe on Carl Schmitt; Phillip Hansen on political community; Charles Jones on E.H.Carr; Michael Cox on super powers; Judith Squires on feminism and deliberative democracy; Elizabeth Meehan on European integration and citizenship.

Volume 4, issue 3

Year: 1997 

Contents: Gerald Segal on China; Martyn Oliver on Richard Rorty; Milan Podunavac on fear; Eszter Pal on states and fear; Jane Franklin and Chris Sparks on risk and community.

Volume 5, issue 1

Year: 1997

Contents: Richard Rorty on justice; Jonathan Rée on Rorty’s nation; Eszter Pál and Bernard Rorke on the 1956 Hungarian revolution; Ali Tajvidi on Iran-U.S. relations; Margaret Blunden on universities in democratic societies; John Keane on communicative abundance; Robert J.McKeever on race and representation.

Volume 5, issue 2

Year: 1998

Contents: Harriet Evans on China; Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom on China and human rights; Barry Buzan and Ole Waever on liberalism and security; George C. Edwards III on evaluating American presidents; John Owens on the republicans in Congress; Richard Whitman on the EU’s international identity; Claus Offe on the market and social order; Niels Jacob Harbitz on Che Guevara.

Volume 6, issue 1

Year: 1998

Contents: Abdelwahab El-Affendi on African and the limits of regionalism; Bert A. Rockman on government performance; Doreen Massey on globalisation; Tony McGrew on globalisation and democracy; Kimberly Hutchings on feminism and citizenship; Chantal Mouffe on Blairism; Niels Jacob Harbitz on literacy.

Volume 6, issue 2

Year: 1999

Contents: Fred Halliday on Gramsci; Francis Fukuyama on the ‘information age’; Richard Rose on Europe after the Berlin Wall; Ali Tajvidi on human rights under Carter and Reagan; Jacob Torfing on workfare in Denmark; Stephan Feuchtwang on charisma; Patrick Burke on political research; Milton Tosto on cosmopolitan democracy.

Volume 7, issue 1

Year: 1999

Contents: Barry Buzan on democracy; Nancy Fraser on social justice and identity politics; Adam Watson on collective hegemony; Rafik Bouchlaka on despotism; John Keane on political theory; Allen Chun on Taiwan and culture; Bernard Rorke on post-war Hungary.

Volume 8, issue 1

Year: 2000 - 2001

Contents: Thomas Ferenczi on the media; Abdelwahab El-Affendi on citizenship and Islam; Bernard Rorke on the Roma, rights and recognition; Milton Tosto on liberalism in Brazil; Fred Dallmayr on cosmopolitan democracy; Harriet Evans on representations of women in China; Jim Melly on American culture.

Volume 8, issue 2

Year: 2001

Contents: Margaret Blunden on states, markets and democracy; Charles O. Jones on George W. Bush; John Owens on George W. Bush and Congress; Sonja Puntscher Riekmann on the EU and identity; Barry Buzan on international relations; Ana Gonzalez-Pelaez on the English School; Ali Paya on Muslim identity and civil society.

Volume 9, issue 1

Year: 2001 - 2002

Contents: Mary Douglas on culture; Michalis Lianos on cultural theory; Henrietta L. Moore on anthropology; Milton Tosto on Brazil and democracy; Chantal Mouffe on agonism; John Keane on Norberto Bobbio; April Carter on John Kane and moral capital.

Volume 9, issue 2

Year: 2002

Contents: Frank R. Pfetsch on European identity; Restructuring Shanxi on David S. G. Goodman on the Shanxi province; Mark Harrison on 1971 student protests in Taiwan; Bernard Rorke on Irish nationalism; Ali Paya on dialogue; Amitai Etzioni et al on multiculturalism; Paolo Ruspini on EU-US relations.

Volume 10, issue 2

Year: 2003

Contents: Louis Cantori on republicanism and democracy; Anton Pelinka on India’s consociational democracy; Jonathan Pugh on participatory planning in the Caribbean; John Keane on democracy in the Pitcairn islands; David Chandler on cosmopolitan democracy; Alison Mohr on consensus conferences.

Volume 11/2, issue 12/1

Year: 2004-2005

Contents: John Keane on humble democracy; Abdelwahab El-Affendi on democracy and Islam; Ali Paya on Abdulkarim Soroush; Simon Joss on participatory governance; Mark Harrison on Taiwanese cinema; Simon Joss on 15 years of CSD; Dan Plesch on strong democracy; John Owens on the US presidency and executive; Jim Skea on energy policy; Vanessa Pupavac on international therapeutic governance; Chantal Mouffe on Hardt and Negri’s ‘Empire’.

Volume 12, issue 2

Year: 2005

Contents: David Chandler on new global movements; Maria Holt on women in Palestine; Bikhu Parekh on the Westminster model; Gabriele Abels on participatory technology assessment; Alison Mohr on participatory governance. 

Volume 13, issue 2

Year: 2006

Contents: Bikhu Parekh on Salman Rushdie; Paul Ginsborg on the family and politics; Sigma Ruda on micro-credit in Bangladesh; Madawi al-Rasheed on reforms in Saudi Arabia; Ayse Kadioglu on Turkey and citizenship; Patrick Burke on foreign policy and peace movements. 

Volume 14, issue 1 and 2

Year: 2007

Contents: Giovanni Navarria on Italian politics; Maria Holt on the Lebanon; Noortje Marres on science and technology studies; Abdolkarim Soroush on justice; Amanda Machin on the language of the nation; Kari Karppinen on radical pluralism; James Heartfield on the death of Alexander Litvinenko; David Chandler on global ethical politics; Magdalena Frennhoff Larsén on EU–South Africa trade negotiations; Rana Mitter on Mao; Abdelwahab El–Affendi on Islam and elections.

Volume 15, issue 1

Year: 2007 - 2008

Contents: Dibyesh Anand on Hindutva; Aidan Hehir on the causes of terrorism; John Owens on President Bush and Congress; Geoffrey Petts on hydroecology; Raouf Tajvidi on US-Iran relations; Ali Paya on Abdolkarim Soroush.

Volume 15, issue 2

Year: 2008

Contents: Nitasha Kaul on democracy in Bhutan; William Rasch on enlightenment as religion; Liza Griffin on EU fisheries policy; Eyup Sabri Carmikli on the Young Turks and the 1908 revolution; Philip Hammond on war; Derek Hird on masculinity in China.

Volume 16, issue 1 and 2

Year: 2009

Contents: Lalit Bhatra on neoliberalism in Delhi; Mark Pennington on classical liberalism and ecology; Dan Greenwood on politics, markets and complexity; Ashis Nandy on the return of religion; Neil Cooper on interventionism, Sierra Leone and the diamond trade; James Martin on Rancier and rhetoric; Giovanni Navarria on petitions and democracy; Simon Joss on techno-cities.

Volume 17, issue 1 and 2

Year: 2010

Contents: Roland Dannreuther on Islam in Russia; John Keane on the life and death of democracy; Kelly Staples on Rorty and rights; Thomas Moore on Schmitt and security; Duygu Türk on Levinas and ethics; Bruce Grocott on parliamentary politics; Alex Prichard on anarchy and international relations; Simon Joss on eco-cities; Ali Paya on Iranian political thought; Carolin Kroenert on EU emissions trading.

Volume 18, issue 1 and 2

Year: 2012

Contents: Ricardo Blaug on power and corruption; Jessica Pykett on the gendered politics of behaviour change; Thomas Moore on EU integration and the financial crisis; Paulina Tambakaki on democracy and nation-states in Europe; Dibyesh Anand on the Dalai Lama; James Pattison on volunteer forces; Jonathan White on the left-right dichotomy and EU politics; Ali Paya on critical rationalism; Liza Griffin on resilience discourses.

Volume 20, issue 1 and 2

Year: 2015

Contents: Bhikhu Parekh on liberal democracy; John Gastil on democratic innovation; Elisabetta Brighi on architecture and security; Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak on Occupy Wall Street; John Keane on the new despotisms; Chantal Mouffe on agonism; James Tully on civic freedom.