The Ignite Fund (formerly known as The 125 Fund), is a matched funding opportunity which gives all students at the University of Westminster the opportunity to apply for funding for projects and activities which help to ignite their employability and professional development.

The fund has changed more than just its name – we are also increasing the number of application rounds so more students can benefit in the current climate.

At a time when students are having to worry about day-to-day costs more than ever, resulting in distractions from their studies and impacts on their mental health, there is a real risk of students derailing their future careers before they have even begun. The Ignite Fund is key to making sure students can keep their educational dream alight and realise their potential

One student, Edwin, wrote:

“Receiving the Ignite Fund is a huge boost to my entrepreneurial ambitions. With this funding, I now have the resources to take my design project to the next level and turn it into a successful business venture. The financial support is invaluable, but equally important is the validation and recognition that comes with being selected for the fund. This gives me the confidence and motivation to pursue my dreams and make a real impact in the world of design and entrepreneurship.”

Support The IGNITE Fund

A recent report by the National Union of Students (NUS) shows that around half of students believe they will need to cut back spending on food, heating and transport this year, making it extremely difficult to pursue additional opportunities to enhance their employability, which cost money.

Since 2016, through the support of our kind and generous alumni, in addition to the generously matched funding provided by the Quintin Hogg Trust, we have supported over 700 students with opportunities which would not have been possible otherwise. Whether it is starting a business, purchasing expensive equipment or gaining an extra certificate or accreditation in an in-demand skill, none of these opportunities would have happened without the generous support from our community.

So far in 2024, nearly £50,00 was awarded to 122 students, setting another high for the number of students awarded funding in a single round, giving them a unique opportunity to develop their skills and enhance their CVs. However, with almost 300 applications received, there is still a lot of work to be done.

As a community, pulling together and doing our part where we are financially able to, we can ensure that no students are left behind and that they have access to opportunities today which will help them to become the global citizens of tomorrow.

Please show your support and help Westminster students reach their full potential by donating to the Ignite Fund today. You can also make a regular gift.