EU and international students
We recommend EU and international students open a bank account in the UK as soon as possible after you arrive, as this is the safest and most effective way to manage your money during your studies.
Some international students choose not to open a UK account, and instead continue to use their overseas account or an overseas credit card. This is more expensive (as you will be charged additional fees every time you withdraw money from a cash machine) and you will not be able to set up direct debits such as regular payments for your phone bill or for your rent.
If you plan on working during your studies, an employer usually wants to pay your salary directly into a UK bank account.
If you need to make a visa extension in the UK you will be required to send bank statements to the Home Office, and it is much easier to provide UK bank statements that meet all the visa requirements. We recommend that you opt to receive printed bank statements, as online statements do not always contain the information required by Home Office.
Advice on opening a bank account will be offered during orientation sessions.
Banks are required to verify the status of all new applicants opening an account. If you need immigration permission, you must present it to the bank, typically in the form of a Biometric Residence Permit, share code, or a passport sticker if your stay is six months or less.
Banks must also verify the status of existing account holders. If an account holder no longer has valid immigration permission, the bank must report this to the Home Office, which will determine the appropriate action.
Short courses
If your course is six months or less, you may not be able to open a UK bank account, or you may find it very difficult to do so. Check whether your bank at home has links with any UK banks that may help you open a UK bank account.
You may be able to apply for a prepaid cash card - but do check for charges and limitations when withdrawing cash. More information is provided on the MoneySavingExpert website.
Basic bank accounts
A basic bank account has fewer benefits than an international student account, but it is easier to open and normally has no charges.
Guidance on opening a basic bank account and a list of the banks that offer basic accounts is available on the UK Council for International Student Affairs website.
We also recommend visiting the Blackbullion website for information about starting university and opening a bank account.
International student bank accounts
An international student bank account has more benefits than a basic account, but often requires you to maintain a minimum balance or pay a monthly fee.
Several banks offer international student bank accounts, including:
- Santander
- Barclays
- NatWest Bank
Types of bank accounts
Current accounts
The most useful type of account is a current account (a student account is a current account, often with special benefits for students). You will receive a debit card that can be used in many places and to get cashback in some shops. Some may offer a contactless feature. It can also be used to withdraw cash at ATMs. This account allows Direct Debits and Standing Orders to be set up, which is useful for paying bills like phone and rent. Usually, you will be given an overdraft facility (although you may have to pay interest on this). Internet banking is also offered to check your statements, pay bills and transfer money using your phone or computer.
Savings accounts
If you have more money than you need for month-to-month expenses, it is a good idea to open a separate savings or deposit account for some of it where it can earn interest. The interest is taxable, but if your bank knows you are not normally resident in Britain, you do not pay tax. You can't pay by cheque on a savings account, but you can usually ask for a cash card.
App-based bank accounts
App-based bank accounts are becoming more popular with international students as they are easy to open and free to join. Read more about app-based bank accounts and check comparisons.
Opening a bank account
When you open a bank account on the high street, you must take some documentation with you. Most banks ask you to bring:
- a valid passport and your BRP card
- a university bank letter stating you are enrolled
- your Student ID card
- evidence of your UK address (your university letter should be accepted as long as it states your UK address)
- substantial evidence of funding for your studies
- a letter of introduction from your bank at home is very helpful but not always needed
University bank letters
Most banks will ask for a University letter confirming your enrolment on a course and your UK address. These letters can be produced by the Student Centre – you need to complete the Official Letter Request Form and make sure you request a Bank Letter.
Bank letters may take a few days to prepare – you will be notified when the letter is available.
Islamic banking
If you would prefer to open an account based on Sharia principles, check different banks’ websites. Some high street banks offer Sharia-compliant accounts, and a few specialist banks offer this type of account. You may find it difficult to open an account if you have recently arrived in the UK. More information is available on the website.
Protecting your money
Your identity and personal information are valuable. Criminals can discover your personal details and try to steal your money or use your identity to open bank accounts, credit cards and loans. If this happens to you, it can also mean that it might be difficult for you to get your money back, which can affect your applications for financial products in the future. Identity theft has become a very common problem in the UK as it becomes easier for criminals to find more ways to access your personal information.
You can learn about using online banking safely, and be aware of common fraud issues from Action Fraud.
Fraud and scams
Unfortunately, some criminals use all kinds of ways to trick you into paying money or giving them valuable information about yourself. They can be very convincing and it may feel frightening. Fraud and scams are increasingly common around the world. Read more about different types of scams at Money Helper.
Important: Whenever you receive a telephone call or email from someone you do not know, remember it could be a scam and do NOT give your bank account details to anyone unless you know and trust them.
Banks typically do not call or text you to request money transfers or personal information. If you receive such a call or text, it is likely a scam. Always end the call and contact your bank directly to verify its authenticity. Banks advise account holders to independently confirm any requests before sharing personal information.
The Home Office/UKVI will never call you to demand payment of a fine or threaten deportation. Stay calm, end the call, and seek advice immediately.
Read more information about different types of scams to avoid on the Save the Student website.