Funding for students with disabilities

If you have a disability or a health condition that affects your studies, our Disability Learning Support (DLS) Team can offer confidential support to help you make the most of your studies. You must register with our team to ensure you get the support you're entitled to. Find out more on our Disability learning support pages

Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)

If you have a disability or long-term health condition, you may be eligible for financial support towards the cost of extra support or equipment you may need during your studies.

DSA is administered and assessed by Student Finance England and the funding can be received on its own or in addition to any student finance you get. Please see the website for more details.

Booking an assessment

Once you have applied for the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) and you have been notified by Student Finance England (SFE) that you are eligible to receive DSA, you can then book a needs assessment – find your nearest assessment centre.

For more information about the assessment, visit our Disabled Students' Allowance assessment page.

You can find contact details for various DSA providers and Research Council funding on the YourDSA website

How much could I receive?

The undergraduate DSA allowance is simplified into one allowance for 2025–26.

The same maximum allowance - £27783- will apply whether you are a full-time, part-time, undergraduate or postgraduate DSA recipient in 2025–26. It will also apply whether you are a new or continuing student.

The maximum allowance does not include travel costs, which means that travel costs will in effect be uncapped.

Help with computer costs 

Getting a computer through DSA 

It may be possible to get a new computer through DSA if you’re assessed as needing one because you do not already have a computer or your current computer doesn't meet the required specification for specialised software.

When buying a new computer, you’ll need to pay the first £200 yourself. The DSA team will send you more information about this after your needs assessment.

Computer costs assistance scheme

You may also be eligible for a £200 grant from the University towards the cost of a new computer or DSA recommended specialist equipment through our Computer Costs Assistance scheme. 


To receive this grant, you must: 

  • Be fully enrolled
  • Provide confirmation that you have taken the full maintenance support/postgraduate loan available to you
  • Pay the supplier £200.00 towards the cost of the recommended specialist equipment
  • Submit a copy of your receipt

If you're an undergraduate student in the 2025–26 academic year who receives the minimum funding amounts or more:

  • £3,907 for full-time students living at home 
  • £6,855 for full-time students living away from home, in London

Before making an application, please get in touch with the Student Centre via the live chat on the Student Hub, who will check your eligibility for assistance.

Apply for computer costs assistance

Further advice about DSA 

For more detailed advice and guidance about applying for DSA and information about other university disability support, please contact the University's Disability Learning Support team.

Living Expenses Support Scheme (LESS)

The Living Expenses Support Scheme is a university Hardship Fund which can help Home/UK students who are experiencing financial difficulties meeting their living costs.

Find out more on the Living Expenses Support Scheme (LESS) page.


For details on our scholarships, visit our Scholarships webpages.