Research integrity

Flower in hands

The University of Westminster is committed to conducting its business in accordance with the seven principles identified by the Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life, the five commitments outlined in the Concordat to Support Research Integrity (UUK, 2019) and the principles contained within UK Research Integrity Office’s (UKRIO’s) Code of Practice for Research: Promoting good practice and preventing misconduct.

The University expects all those engaged in any research activity, including its academic employees, doctoral researchers, postgraduate students, visiting researchers, and in addition any other staff undertaking research on behalf of the University, to observe these principles.

The University is responsible for ensuring that its research is carried out in line with legal and regulatory requirements and is committed to strengthening the integrity of research and ensuring that its research is carried out to the highest standards of integrity and rigour.

Strengthening research integrity at the University

Research integrity, ethical practice and standards are an integral part of the University’s Research Strategy, found on our Research strategies and policies page.

The University has clear policies, processes and systems for management of research good practice, provides training in research integrity and ethics, raises awareness of standards and behaviours expected from researchers and has clear processes in place for those with concerns about the integrity of research to raise these concerns.

To this end the University publishes a Code of Research Good Practice, applicable to all researchers and supervisors of taught students carrying out research:

It can also be found on our Research strategies and policies page with other related policies.

The University’s research integrity annual narrative statements

The University is committed to Open Research and good practice in Research Data Management . There is also an updated University Intellectual Property Policy which you can find on our Research strategies and policies page.

Our Research Integrity Annual Narrative Statements describe openly and transparently the work undertaken by the University to build on strengthening its commitments under the Concordat to Support Research Integrity

Research Integrity Annual Narrative Statement, February 2024.

Contact for research integrity

For queries or further information around research governance related policies and codes, including Research Integrity at the University, please contact Huzma Kelly at .

Research good practice and research misconduct

The University has clear processes in place for those with concerns about the integrity of research to raise these concerns:

The Research Misconduct procedures are overseen by the ‘Named Person’, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Knowledge Exchange), Professor Andrew Linn. The current ‘Alternative Named Person’ is the Pro Vice Chancellor (Teaching Excellence and Student Experience) and Head of College, Professor Christos Kalantaridis. 

Further information about the Research Misconduct Procedures

  • For information or queries relating to the student misconduct regulations, the first point of contact is Academic Standards at
  • and for information or enquiries relating to the staff misconduct procedure, please contact the Research and Knowledge Exchange Office (RKEO) at