About the centre
The Service Research and Customer Experience Group seeks to co-create scientific knowledge on services and customer experience in service ecosystems. Multi-actor service provision is offering solutions to the needs of individuals and society in rapidly changing and revolutionary scenarios. Markets are shaped mainly by innovation and technology and the importance of service research is every day greater for a deeper understanding of networked value co-creation.
Our research group spans four main research themes: Employees in services (culture and service excellence; internal market orientation, inter-functional coordination, customer orientation); servitization and solutions; institutionalisation processes in service ecosystems; and customer experience, consumer behaviour, gamification and customer engagement.

Find out more about our academic staff and up to date details of our research outputs.
Research members
Associate members
External (UK and international members)
- Dr Tawfeeq AlAnazi (Saudi Arabia)
- Dr Anabela Soares (Bristol, UK)
- Dr Maria Jose Quero (Málaga, Spain)
- Guillermo Bermudez (Málaga, Spain)
- Dr Pedro Cuesta Valiño (Alcala de Henares, Spain)
- Dr Maria Luz Martin Peña (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I, Madrid, Spain)
- Dr Moya Lerigo-Sampson (Bristol, UK)
- Dr Jacqueline Barker (Bristol, UK)
- Dr Rodrigo Guesalaga (Chile)
- Dr Mohamad Abou-Foul (Palestine)
- Dr Jose L. González-Porras (Málaga, Spain)
- Dr Sergey Kazakov (Alcala de Henares, Spain)
- Dr Kristina Zabala Berriozabal (Donostia-San Sebastián- Spain)
- Dr Kleopatra Konstantoulaki (Athens, Greece)
- Dr Ogechi Adeola (Lagos, Nigeria)
- Dr Linh Hoang Vu (Hanoi, Vietnam)
- Dr Rachael Millard (London, UK)
- Berta Marques (London, UK)
Doctoral researchers
- Martín-Peña, M. L.; Sánchez-López, J. M.; Kamp, B.; and Giménez-Fernández, E. (2023). The innovation antecedents behind the servitization–performance relationship. R&D Management.
- Martin-Peña, M. L.; Garcia-Magro, C.; Sanchez-Lopez, J. M. (2023). Service design through the emotional mechanics of gamification and value co-creation: a user experience analysis. Behaviour & Information Technology.
- Childe, S., and Soares, A. (Eds.). (2022). Handbook of Research Methods for Supply Chain Management, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Pandey, P. and Zheng, Y. (2022). Social positioning matters: A socialized affordance perspective of mHealth in India. Information Systems Journal.
- Ruiz-Alba, J. L., Mediano, J., Ayestarán, R. & López-Tenorio, P. (2022). Fashion events and eWOM. Event Management. Volume 26, Number 2 (13), pp. 405–417.
- Cuesta-Valiño, P., Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, P. and Loranca-Valle, C. (2022). Sponsorship image and value creation in E-sports. Journal of Business Research. Vol 145, pp. 198-209.
- Cuesta-Valiño, P., Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, P., Núñez-Barriopedro, E. and García-Henche, B. (2022). Strategic orientation towards digitization to improve supermarket loyalty in an omnichannel context. Journal of Business Research. Volume 156, 113475.
- Alonso-Garcia, J., Pablo-Marti, F., Núñez-Barriopedro, E. and Cuesta-Valiño, P. (2022). Digitalization in B2B marketing: omnichannel management from a PLS-SEM approach. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing.
Find out about the range of projects we are involved in, including:
- Conflicting goals: how calorie attentiveness can influence consumer food bundle choice
- The impact of artificial intelligence capabilities on servitization: the moderating role of absorptive capacity-A dynamic capabilities perspective
- The interrelations between transformative service research, service-dominant logic and customer-dominant logic
- Strengthening market competitiveness of UK Higher Education Institutions through partnerships: the role of knowledge creation and knowledge absorption
- Institutions and business customer experience: the role of interfunctional coordination and service co-design
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