MDDM organises the student-focussed research internship programmes led by Dr. Kalpana Surendranath as part of the university Sustainable Development initiative.

Gene Editors of the Future

The inspiring story of the genome engineering laboratory showcases a groundbreaking research initiative in the field of Life Sciences. This initiative, which has been developed over five years in collaboration with the Life Sciences student community, aims to promote impactful research and create work opportunities aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the "Being Westminster" strategy specifically SDG 4.7. Notable achievements include the establishment of initiatives like Gene Editors of the Future (2020) and Gene Editors of the Future 2.0 (2022). These initiatives have fostered a comprehensive pipeline for undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral students, enhancing their employability prospects. Through these programs, students have gained valuable hands-on experience and numerous employment opportunities have been created.

Funding body: Quintin Hogg Trust


  • Dr. Kalpana Surendranath
  • Dr. John Murphy
  • Dr. Oliver Haworth
  • Dr. Anjali Ghosh

Discover to Recover

Discover to Recover research internships provide hands-on research opportunities to undergraduate students where participants actively contribute to knowledge production and tackle real-world challenges. Through collaborative work with experienced researchers, interns gain valuable research experience and develop skills in their respective fields. Additionally in the research internships, individuals have the chance to explore their interests, develop research skills, and contribute to solving real-world challenges.

Iteration 1- 2022 CRISPR-based diagnostics for infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Funding body: External donor Mr. Raj Sitlani (Alumnus) through the development team of Westminster.


  • Dr. Kalpana Surendranath
  • Dr. Radhakrishnan Kanagaraj
  • Dr. John Murphy