Climate change resilience and disaster risk reduction

Creating multi-stakeholder partnerships between local government, communities and other key actors. Developing good practice through partnerships and developing tools for improved local governance.

Disaster risk reduction

Tony Lloyd-Jones on 'Urban resilience, addressing risk in rapidly growing cities in the developing world'
The built environment professions in disaster risk reduction and response (2009)

This guide is sponsored by the leading built environment professional associations – RICS, ICE, RIBA, RTPI. It demonstrates the value of using built environment professionals more widely in disaster risk reduction and response. It shows how their skills and expertise can be applied at all stages of disaster management, in particular the longer-term goal of sustainable recovery and development.
The guide is targeted at non-technical decision makers in humanitarian agencies. However, it is also relevant to all international development agencies, governments, at national, sub national and local levels, and non-governmental organisations involved in one or other aspect of disaster management.

Download the built environment professions guide.

Mind the Gap! Post-disaster reconstruction and the transition from humanitarian relief (2006)

The study funded by the RICS produced a report that deals with issues of long-term recovery from natural disasters and the perceived gap between humanitarian relief, and efforts focused on reconstruction and the longer-term rehabilitation of affected households and communities.

Tony Lloyd-Jones is currently a member of the RICS President's Commission on Major Disaster Management.

Development from Disasters Network (2006 to date)

The Centre managed this network founded originally as the Tsunami Recovery Network in January 2005 shortly after that Indian Ocean Tsunami disaster. The expanded Development from Disasters Network monitored the recovery process and was committed to lobby for a community-responsive, sustainable rehabilitation of all disaster affected regions.

‘Life’ project (2007)

Ripin Kalra provided consultancy to Baca Architects in 2005 in developing The Life Project to explore innovative ways to tackle flooding and climate change through the built environment. The project will see the development of a set of generic principles and guide book to integrate ecological flood mitigation with truly sustainable development.