The following are examples of current and recently completed doctoral projects associated with HOMELandS:
Ahmad Alham (School of Organisations, Economy and Society)
Project Title: Migrant Workers in the Construction Industry in the UAE: Access to Healthcare
Swati Bakshi (School of Arts)
Project Title: Space in Sai Paranjpye’s Cinema- An Exploration of Spatial Experiential Economy 1970-2010
Anita Barton-Williams (School of Humanities)
Project Title: A Radical Intervention: Translating Black Caribbean Writers
Anastasiya Bezborodova (School of Social Sciences)
Project Title: Language Practices and Processes in English-Medium Higher Education in Uzbekistan
Monia Channoufi (School of Humanities)
Project Title: The Tunisian Diaspora in Britain: the London Case
Dmitri Chong (School of Architecture and Cities)
Project Title: Forced Migration and Home-building: Building Homes as Resistance against Technologies of Control during Asylum in the United Kingdom.
Iuliana Chitac (School of Social Sciences) post-doctoral
Project Title: Romanian Entrepreneurs in the UK
Stephanie Ifill (School of Social Sciences)
Project Title: Black Diaspora Women in White Postcolonial Spaces
Denise Kwan (School of Humanities)
Project Title: The Talking of Objects: Migratory Experiences, Subjectivity and Representation of Chinese Women in the UK.
Lonceny Kourouma (School of Social Sciences)
Project Title: Examining the Black Doctoral Students’ Lived Experiences in the UK within a Decolonising Lens
Xiao Ma (School of Humanities)
Project Title: Locating London’s Chinatown: Multicultural Heritage and Place-making in a Global City
Benedetta Morsiani (School of Humanities)
Project Title: Performing Cultural Identities and Transnational ‘Imaginaries’: Fashion and Beauty Practices as Diasporic Spaces among Young London Congolese
Hahnfeld Maren (School of Arts)
Project Title: Syrian Women Refugees in Germany
Mary Martins (CREAM, School of Arts)
Project Title: Made in Thamesmead; An Exploration of the Migration and Settlement of the Black British Community through Documentary Animation
Giulia Pepe (School of Humanities)
Project Title: Multilingual Practices in a Disavowed Community: The Case of New Italian Migrants in London
Dulce Pedroso (School of Media and Communications)
Project Title: The Role of Urban Cycling in Facilitating Emplacement and Belonging for Displaced People.
Veronica Posada Alvarez (School of Arts)
Project Title: Visuality, Diaspora and the Contemporary Latin American Community in London – 1970s onwards
Alexandra Rappoport (School of Humanities)
Project Title: Translanguaging Practices Among Russian University Students in London.
Faisal Reasat (School of Organisations, Economy and Society)
Project Title: The Distinctiveness of Climate Change Migration: Its Drivers and Implications in the Context of Employment in the RMG Sector of Bangladesh
Khaoula Zitouni Sayyah (School of Humanities)
Project Title: The (De-)Colonial Dynamics of Im-mobility in 21st Century Representations of Migration: An Interdisciplinary Study of (Counter-)Narratives around (North-)African ‘Harga’ to EU-rope
Joseph Sykes (School of Humanities)
Project Title: An Exploration of Learner Autonomy in an International University in Japan
Francesco Arese Visconti (School of Arts)
Project Title: Re-thinking Photographic Portraiture of 21st Century Italian Migrants in the Arc Lémanique Area
Jing Wang (School of Arts)
Project Title: Artmaking as Place-making: Positioning the Practice of British Transnational Filmmakers in the Landscape of British Artists’ Moving Image Since the 1980s.
Chen Yang (School of Arts)
Project title: Online Media, Cultural Identity and Chinese Migrants in Britain
Yueya Zhang (School of Organisations, Economy and Society)
Project Title: Co-creating for Social Innovation: A Study of Sustainable Housing for the Senior Community in China