The group has been successful in a number of scientific project grants relevant to the area of expertise, including the COST Action: ”Open European Network for High Performance Computing on Complex Environments” (2009-2013), a Faculty Award Research Grant from IBM: "Smart Cloud Infrastructures" (2009-2011), the GridCOMP STREP EU Project (2006-2010) and the CoreGRID NoE EU Project (2005-2009).
The group's recent and current projects include:
- Portable implementation of the FFT benchmark
- PMPI: high-level message passing in Fortran and C
- JavaMPI: portable message passing in Java
- Benchmarks in Java (ParkBench Low-level; NPB)
- High Performance Distributed Processing with Replicated Jini Services
PMPI: a Programmer's Message-Passing Interface
We have designed PMPI, a programmer's interface based on MPI that significantly simplifies application programming.
A prototype preprocessor for PMPI in both Fortran-77 and C has been developed.
The ParkBench single-processor low-level benchmarks in Java
- POLY1: In-cache test. This benchmark tests severity of memory bottlenecks
- POLY2: Out-of-cache test
- RINF1: Arithmetic evaluation of r-infinity and n1/2 parameters
- TICK1: Estimation of the clock tick resolution for system timing routines
- TICK2: Test of the validity of the clock ticks-to-seconds multiplier
JavaMPI: a Java binding for MPI
This binding allows Java programs to use a native Message-Passing Interface library for running on distributed-memory machines. The binding was created from the C MPI binding with the aid of the Java-to-C Interface generating tool (JCI).
Java bindings for numerical libraries (BLAS, PBLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK)
The bindings allow Java programs to access native high-performance numerical libraries, and were created with the aid of the Java-to-C Interface generating tool (JCI).