Professor Steven Barnett, Professor of Communications, wrote an article for The Conversation and was interviewed by NBC News about Meghan and Harry’s interview with Oprah Winfrey.


In his article for The Conversation, Professor Barnett discussed the interview which aired on CBS on Sunday, and wrote: “The stark admissions from the Duchess of Sussex during her and her husband’s much-anticipated interview with Oprah Winfrey captures how press treatment of Meghan drove the couple’s decision to step back from royal duties.”

Discussing media attitudes towards the couple, he wrote: “Every soap opera needs its heroes and antagonists. Britain’s tabloid press has demonstrated over the years how adept it is at creating fairy tale princesses and pantomime villains, regardless of the impact on the individuals themselves. Stories are embellished, distorted or simply manufactured to generate more clickbait and thus more revenue.”

Professor Barnett also spoke to NBC News ahead of the interview about his expectations, and said: “I think it will be the first time that they can actually feel this is an opportunity to get their authentic voices across, together.”

Read the full article on The Conversation’s website.

Read the full article on the NBC News website.

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