Doug Specht, Director of Teaching, Learning and Quality Assurance wrote an article for Wonkhe about how teaching and learning in higher education should be approached in the coming year, and how the sector can thrive in a blended learning environment.

Doug Specht

In the article, Specht discussed the use of blended learning in the coming academic year, and wrote: “Blended learning has huge amounts of benefits and done right it can support learning for a wide range of students and different circumstances, can be more inclusive and promotes independent critical thinking.”

However, he highlighted that in order for this to be successful, getting things right is crucial. Specht’s new research found three key things that need to be done to thrive in a blended environment, including communication and expectation management.

He wrote: “Clear, careful communication that is consistent across the school, college or university is key. This means not only the published information provided, but also the points of contact, the technologies used, the messaging about why we are working as we are, all help to create a supportive learning environment.”

Read the full article on the Wonkhe website.

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