Arthur Mamou-Mani, Lecturer on the Master of Architecture (MArch) (RIBA Pt II) course, has been interviewed by Dezeen magazine about temple Galaxia, where he has shared more drone shots of the temple before it was burnt down at Burning Man festival.


Mamou-Mani shared the previously unseen aerial drone footage of the temple as part of Dezeen’s Virtual Design Festival.

Mamou-Mani said about the temple: “Galaxia is later described as the galaxy-wide entity of this complete state of synergy. I believe the idea resonated with that of a secular and contemporary temple for a worldwide community – temples essentially being spaces to connect people."

He added: "One of the 10 principles of Burning Man is radical inclusion so it was important to design a space that had no doors, no walls, no hierarchy, linking us with each other and to the wider universe above.”

Read the full article on Dezeen’s website.

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