If you're planning to apply for a visa, it's crucial to ensure you have sufficient funds to cover your course fees and living costs, referred to as the maintenance or financial requirements. When submitting your Student visa application, you'll typically need to provide financial documents demonstrating that you've held the necessary funds for at least 28 consecutive days. However, some applicants may automatically meet the financial requirements, while others will confirm they meet them without needing to submit financial documents with their Student visa application.
For new University of Westminster students required to submit financial documents with their Student visa application, the University will only sponsor your visa and issue a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) after we've reviewed and approved your financial documents. The deadlines for requesting a CAS and providing copies of financial documents are outlined in the admissions processes for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students. Please be aware that if you do not submit your financial documents that meet the financial requirements for a student visa by the specified deadline, we will not be able to issue a CAS.
It's important to remember that applying for a CAS, which you use in your Student visa application, is different from applying for a Student visa. You'll need to independently verify that your financial documents meet the financial requirements for a Student Visa before submitting your visa application. The information below will help you to assess your financial documents.
Also, please keep in mind that the required amount of money for living costs for a Student visa application increased in January 2025.
You do not need to meet the financial requirements described below nor submit financial documents with a Student visa application if:
- you are applying for your Student Visa in the UK, and
- you have been living in the UK with a valid permission (visa) for 12 months or more on the date of your visa application
Not everyone will be eligible to apply for their student visa in the UK please do check this before making a student visa application in the UK.
Even if you are not required to provide other financial documents you must submit written consent if a Government or International Scholarship Agency sponsored you for a course completed in the last 12 months. See our Official financial sponsorship page for more information.
If you are a national of a country listed in Appendix ST paragraph 22.1 of the Immigration rules*, and listed here you must meet the financial requirements described below but you are not required to submit your financial documents as part of a Student visa application. You will be classified as a ‘low risk national who benefits from the differentiation arrangements.
To benefit from the differentiation arrangements you must be applying for your Student visa in the UK or the country you normally live in. The University can issue a CAS without checking your financial documents.
If you rely on the differentiation arrangements, you must still have the financial documents available and in the required format as the UKVI may request this financial evidence whilst processing your visa application. Failure to provide these documents when asked will lead to your application being refused.
Even if you are not required to submit your other financial documents with your Student visa application, you must submit a letter with written consent to your visa application if a Government or International Scholarship Agency sponsored you for a course completed in the last 12 months. See the Official financial sponsorship page for more information.
*The differentiation national countries are Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Barbados, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, The Dominican Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, or you holds a passport which shows you are registered as a British National (Overseas), or which was issued by the competent authorities of Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR or Taiwan (which includes the number of the identification card issued by the competent authority in Taiwan).
You must submit financial documents as part of your student visa application unless you fit into one of the student categories described earlier.
If you are starting a new course, the university must approve your financial documents before issuing a CAS.
Your financial documents must meet specific financial requirements to prevent a visa refusal. You must have the correct funds for 28 consecutive days before you submit your online visa application form. The Student visa guidance gives detailed information on the requirements for supporting documents.
You are required to show that you have the course fees plus living costs for the whole of the first year of your course. You must show you hold fund for 28 consecutive days. Your financial documents must not be more than 31 days old on the date you submit your online Student visa application.
These requirements are described in more detail below including further information if you are on a course shorter than a year or if you are applying for a Student visa midway through a course.
Living costs are £1,483 per month and part of a month of your course up to a maximum of £13,347.
You must have enough money to show that you can pay the course fees for the first year of your course. If your course or the remaining part of your course is less than one year long, you are required to have the funds for your entire course fees. The cost of your course and the amount you have already paid towards it will be confirmed on your Confirmation of acceptance of studies (CAS).
Most applicants must have paid £5,500 deposit to start a new course. Some applicants are not required to pay a deposit. For information about the deposit and to check if you need to pay, visit the International student deposits page.
An example for students who started a course in September 2025, if you are applying for a Student visa to study a 1-year Master's course and:
- your fees are £17,000
- you have paid the £5,500 deposit towards your fees
- your CAS states: Course Fees for the Year: £17,000, Course Fees Paid so far: £5,500
- your remaining course fee is £11,500
You must have £11,500 course fees in addition to the funds for your living costs. You must hold this money for a consecutive 28 days with up to date bank statements. Your final balance and date of bank statement/bank letter should not be more than one month old when you submit your online visa application.
The UKVI will use your CAS to confirm how much money you need for your course fees. It is important that you check the information on your CAS thoroughly before you make your visa application. You should check that your CAS states your total fee amount and any fees paid correctly. If there is a discrepancy on your CAS, you should email [email protected]. Your CAS will not be automatically updated if you pay more of your fees after you have received your CAS.
You must have enough money to support yourself while you are studying in the UK. The UKVI have a fixed amount for the living cost requirement, irrespective of whether you intend to live with family in the UK or you if you have paid for your accommodation in part or in full already. Some students who have paid to stay at Harrow, Marylebone or Alexander Fleming Halls of Residence may be able to reduce the amount they must show please see the later information about 'Money paid for accommodation.'
The required amount for living costs is £1,483 per month, or part of a month up to a maximum of 9 months which is £13,347.
*If your course or the remainder of your course is less than 9 months, then you can look at your CAS to assess the length of your course. Look at the CAS start date and calculate the months and part of months until the course end date. Use a date calculator if this helps. Remember that if you are applying in the UK and you have been living the UK with permission for a period of 12 months or longer, you are exempt from the financial requirement.
Here is an example: Akash has had a break from his course and is now planning to return to the UK and to his course after a long period outside the UK. He will not meet the financial requirements automatically. He is expected to resume timetabled classes on 25 September and his classes will end on 12 December. His new CAS start date is 25/Sept and his new’ Expected course end date’ is 12/12. Akash must apply for a new Student visa as he has had a gap in his studies which resulted in his previous student visa being cancelled. 25 September to 12th December is 2 months and 18 days so Akash must hold 3 months of money (£1,483x 3) plus the course fees he owes and which will be described on the CAS. He is not a national of a differentiation country so he will have to show he holds this money for 28 days.
Any money you use for maintenance (course fees and living costs) must be in your account or your parent(s)' account for a consecutive period of 28 days (finishing on the date of the closing balance).
During the 28-day period this money cannot drop below the required amount for even 1 day or you will not meet the UKVI requirements and your application will be refused.
28 days will be counted back from the closing balance and the closing balance cannot be more than 31 days old on the date of application.
If your finances are confirmed in a letter then the letter and the closing balance cannot be more than 31 days old on the date of application.
The date of application is usually the date you submit and pay for your online Student visa application and not the date you may be required to show your financial documents (e.g. not the date of your appointment at the Visa Application centre or the date the UKVI asks you to show your evidence of finances whilst processing your application).
If you have paid up to £1,483 to the University for a room in one of the University owned halls of residence (Harrow, Marylebone Road and Alexander Fleming) and this is confirmed in your CAS, you can deduct up to a maximum of £1,483 (even if you have paid more) from the amount of money you need to show for your living costs.
Money paid to private landlords or to halls of residence which are not owned by the University of Westminster will not reduce the living cost amount you need to show.
If you are starting a 1-year Master's course you must hold (£1483× 9 months) which is £13,347 for your living costs. If your tuition fees are £17,000 and you have paid a £5,500 deposit then your remaining tuition fees are £11,500. The total amount you must hold for a Student visa application is £13,347 living costs + £11,500 course fees which is £24,847
If you are starting a 3 or 4 year Undergraduate degree course you must hold (£1483× 9 months) which is £13,347 for your living costs. If your tuition fees are £17,000 for your first year and you have paid a £5,500 deposit then your remaining tuition fees are £11,500. The total amount you must hold for a Student Visa application is £13,347 living costs + £11,500 course fees which is £24,847
If you are a current student and you are not exempt from the financial requirements as described earlier your must hold £1,483 for each month and part of a month of your remaining course up to a maximum of 9 months. Your CAS will include new CAS start and end dates which reflects the remaining period of your course. So for example if the remaining period of your course is 4 months and 20 days you will need to show money for 5 months (£1483 x 5) which is £6670 for your living cost. If for example your remaining tuition fees for the year is £2000 the total amount of money you must hold for a Student visa application is £6670 (living costs) + £2000 (course fees)= £8670.
The money you are required to show can be in:
- your bank account
- your parent(s)' bank account (but not an account for a business owned by your parents)
- your partner's account if they are applying at the same time or they already have permission
- a joint account with anyone you are named on the account
- a joint account with both your parents' names
If you are relying on funds in your parent(s)' account, you must include the following documents in support of your application:
- A letter from your parent(s) confirming that you are their child and that they consent to you using their funds to study in the UK. See an example of a parent's letter:
- Your birth certificate with your name and your parent(s)' names (with a translation if not in English). Please visit our Translations page for information about translations.
- Your parent(s)' financial documents.
If you are being funded by a family member other than your parents or your partner (applying at the same time as you or already has permission), they will need to transfer the required funds into your bank account or use a joint account with your name on it, as their bank statements will not be accepted. Please note that in such a case you will need to wait for the funds to mature in your account – see the 28-day rule above. If you are living with relatives while in London, you will still have to show the full amount of money for living costs.
The only exception is if you have received official financial sponsorship for your full fees and living costs from a recognised sponsor. If this is the case, please visit our Official financial sponsorship page for further information. You can also apply using a Student Loan that meets the UK Visa and Immigration Requirements.
The key documents that are accepted by the UKVI include:
- personal bank statements (not a statement from a business even if it is your own or your parents business)
- building society pass books
- letter from the bank. See an example bank letter:
- letter from an Official financial sponsor
- letter from a regulated financial institution confirming a loan. The loan must be provided by your national government, their state or regional government, a government-sponsored student loan company or part of an academic or educational loan scheme
- certificates of deposit
The UK Visas and Immigration Office will not accept funds if they are held in a financial institution where any of the following apply:
1. (a) the immigration officer assessing the visa is unable to make satisfactory verification checks; or
2. (b) the financial institution is not regulated by the appropriate regulatory body for the country in which that institution is operating; or
3. (c) the financial institution does not use electronic record keeping.
If your money is not in pound sterling, you must convert the funds into pound sterling to ensure that the closing balance meets the minimum level required using the OANDA currency converter.
Do not forget to include translations if any of your documents are not in English. There are specific requirements for translations – if you need anything translated, please ensure you read the requirements carefully. See our translation guidelines for more information.
Funds may be held in any form of personal bank or building society account (including current, deposit, savings, pension from which the funds can be withdrawn or investment account) provided the account allows the funds to be accessed immediately.
Funds held in other accounts or financial instruments such as shares, bonds, credit cards, pensions from which the funds cannot be withdrawn immediately, regardless of notice period, will not be accepted as evidence of funds.
Funds will not be considered if they are held in a financial institution where the UKVI is unable to make satisfactory verification checks; or the financial institution is not regulated by the appropriate regulatory body for the country in which that institution is operating; or the financial institution does not use electronic record keeping.
Bank or building society statements must cover a 28-day period ending no more than 31 days before the date of your application.
The UKVI would normally expect a banking or building society record to:
- be on official stationery or an electronic record
- be printed or electronic (not hand written)
- include the account holder(s) names
- include the account number
- include the date of the statement
- include information about the bank, such as contact details or a branch code
A statement will show transactions and amount held over time (although this is not the norm in all countries and would not apply to a letter).
A letter would in addition to the above criteria confirm the balance and length of time funds were held rather than providing a record of transactions and:
- be on headed paper
- be signed by an official from the financial institution
This is a certificate issued by a bank to confirm that you or your parent have deposited a specific amount of money. Certificates of deposit will normally be accepted if the certificate shows:
- that the certificate of deposit was issued no more than 31 days before your date of application (the date you pay the online visa application fee) and,
- that at least 28 days have elapsed between the date of the deposit and the date of issue of the certificate
Certificates of deposit should also include the following details:
- your name or your parent's name
- the account number
- the financial institution’s name and logo
- the amount of money available
Additional information
You will need to provide scans of the financial evidence you plan to use to the visa compliance office at the University before your CAS can be issued. This is so that the University can check that, to the best of their knowledge, your financial evidence shows the correct funds for the 28-day period and is in the correct format. Once you have emailed scanned copies of correct financial evidence and this has been checked, your CAS will be issued.
You will be given further information about what you need to do when you have accepted your place at the University. You are not required to send scans of your documents to the University if you are a national of a country that is part of the differentiation arrangements ad described above. See Appendix ST paragraph 22.1 of the Immigration rules.