Support for all those affected by global conflict

The University of Westminster has support available for anyone in our community affected by global conflicts, noting the ongoing situations in Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Sudan, Ukraine, South Korea and Syria.

For our students

Your personal tutors are here to support with anything that may be worrying you or affecting your studies. Please do reach out to them, or to our Library and Student Centre team, if you need help. More information about our Student Wellbeing Support Services can be found on our Student Hub or through our Live Chat.

We are a proudly diverse and inclusive community and we value the different perspectives and experiences brought to our University by our colleagues and students from different countries and cultures. We do not tolerate racism, antisemitism, islamophobia, and our respect for different viewpoints does not imply the tolerance of, or support for proscribed organisations or the harassment of others holding different views. At Westminster we condemn all forms of racism and hate speech and are steadfast that all members of our University should expect be treated with compassion and respect at all times.

If you or someone you know has faced any form of harassment or discrimination, then please use our Report and Support platform so that we can take appropriate action.

For our community

Our University is committed to supporting the wellbeing of each and every member of our community and we strive to support our community in their desire to express their views and concerns on this, as on any other matters by cultivating a safe and secure environment.

Universities UK, the collective voice of UK Universities, has produced guidance on freedom of speech on campus, and on tackling harassment which you may find useful.

As a global university we are committed to increasing the practical support on offer to students whose higher education experience is disrupted by war. We have developed new postgraduate Sanctuary Scholarships which are open to anyone affected by conflict and are working with international organisations including CARA to support students globally.