Inspiration and leadership

Friends of Arriving New Students

Our FANS (Friends of Arriving New Students) provide a personal welcome to new students at the University. You will help new students settle in and act as their first point of contact for the first couple of weeks at the start of the academic year. For more details visit the Students’ Union website about the FANS programme.

Student ambassadors

As a student ambassador you will help with open days, attend higher education fairs at local schools and colleges, and deliver presentations to school pupils on topics relating to higher education. You will be required to attend briefing and tour training and at least one other training session as well as work at two internal and one external event.

For more details, visit the Student ambassadors page.

Academic Representatives – Students’ Union activity

Academic Representatives (Reps) provide a link between the students on their course, the University and Students' Union. During their year-long tenure, they will collect feedback, information and opinions from students on their course and raise these with the University staff to drive issues and make changes across the whole University.

All Academic Reps are trained as course evaluators and can choose an additional rep specialisms they wish to focus on such as social coordinators, employability engagers and many more.

For more information, please contact

Sabbatical Officer Election Candidates – Students’ Union activity

Students at the University of Westminster can nominate themselves at the annual Officer Elections to be a Student Officer at UWSU for a year. During the election period, candidates will campaign for one of five positions and be elected by the student body to represent their needs at Westminster. The officer positions provide students with the opportunity to enhance their career skills and experience, develop and improve services across the university and the students’ union, all the while getting paid a graduate salary for a year.For more information please visit the Students’ Union Elections page.

Club Captains and Society Presidents – Students’ Union activity

Captains and presidents lead and manage Students' Union Sports Clubs and societies. This is a year-long position. Captains and presidents are selected through a democratic process at the club/society annual student group elections..

Club captains and society presidents will be responsible for delivering relevant events, campaigns and activities for their club or society.

These leaders will be the main point of contact for their club/society. They will lead their committee and ensure its effectiveness. They will also recruit students to join their club or society.

For more information, visit the Students' Union website.