FOI statistics

Freedom of Information

The University is committed to routinely publishing information which reflects our work and our organisation. We also provide access, on request, to all the other unpublished information that we hold or that is held on our behalf by others (subject to certain qualifications and restrictions).

More information on how to make a request.


2024 – Yearly summary

FOI and EIR requestsNumber

Total requests received


Total open requests


Total of open requests with permitted extensions – public interest test

Total of open requests with permitted extensions – complex and voluminous0
Total requests closed2
Total requests closed within statutory timescale195 (97%)
Total requests closed with a permitted extension0
Total requests closed outside statutory timescale6
Total closed requests where information was granted in full


Total closed requests where information was withheld in full17
Total closed requests where information was partially provided66
Total internal reviews received3 (2 upheld, 1 overruled)
Total requests with a stopped clock for clarification0
Total requests with a paused clock for fees notice0