University of Westminster and Brexit

The University of Westminster will continue to support and consolidate European opportunities and collaborations for the benefit of UK and EU students, and staff.

We cherish a past based on the values of diversity and internationality. It is more than ever a priority that we support and strengthen the partnerships between UK and EU institutions and we are committed to do so.

Erasmus+ Programme and Brexit

After the General Election in December 2019, the UK left the European Union on 31 January 2020. The UK will still be subject to EU regulation up to December 2020 where negotiations between the two will be crucial.

The terms of the withdrawal agreement on 31 January 2020, outline that the UK will continue to participate in the current Erasmus+ programme 2019–2020 as well as in the Erasmus+ Programme granted for 2020 until the completion of it (unless otherwise stated by the National Agency). As such all existing Erasmus+ projects that have a contract to deliver funded activities continue their work as normal. The European Commission has confirmed the continuation of the Erasmus+ projects of the current period and of the 2020 period until the end of the projects’ cycle. Therefore the grant agreements signed between the University and the National Agency under Key Action 103 and Key Action 107 projects, are valid until the end of those projects. This includes those funded under the 2020 call. The latest information on the programme can be found on the Erasmus+ website.

Therefore, all the students currently on an Erasmus+ placement are eligible for funding upon successful application and selection (different processes apply currently due to the Covid-19 pandemic; please contact for student and staff mobilities). The University of Westminster placed a bid also for future funding as the National Agency advised that all universities and students continue to participate in the Erasmus+ programme as normal. Should any changes occur the University will inform the students; and the National Agency will publish the relevant notification on their website (via the above link).

It is the University of Westminster’s mission to continue promoting any other EU initiative for partnerships between institutions, students and staff members of the higher education community.