Case studies
A synthesis of social urban and town planning history

Dr Mark Clapson’s research challenged negative opinions of suburbs and new towns, changing public perceptions.
Adapting stage productions for the screen

John Wyver’s practice-based research explores strategies for the creative adaptation for screen of stage productions.
Agonism and politics theory meets practice

Chantal Mouffe’s insights on agonistic democracy have had a significant impact on political debate, policy and strategy.
Arab media law and policy

Research on Arab countries’ media laws has informed writing about media development in reports by organisations including the UN.
China in Britain: myths and realities

Dr Anne Witchard’s research has offered new insights into understanding how Chinese people are perceived in the UK.
Component-based highly productive software development

By adopting a component-based approach, a novel puzzle game design style and model is introduced.
Cross-national equivalence of skills and qualifications across Europe

This work identifies the difficulties in establishing equivalence of occupational qualifications across the European Union.
Delay cost management in European aviation

Our researchers have a methodology to quantify airline delay management which has been in use since the early 2000s.
Diversity in the legal profession

Our research has contributed to a shift in how the legal profession engages with diversity and equality issues.
Enhancing legal protection for asylum seekers

Our research has had a major influence on how asylum is determined.
Gender, sexuality and social change in China

Our research on women and gender in China has influenced attitudes across a range of international NGOs and legal bodies.
Genocide and genre

This project has made a major impact in the realms of civil society, cultural life and public discourse in Indonesia and elsewhere.
Green freight transport and logistics
Research into green freight transport and logistics has been instrumental in introducing novel techniques and methods.
High performance computing in the cloud

P-GRADE allows users to perform high performance computing in the Cloud.
Incorporating complementary therapies in the NHS

Professor David Peters pioneered the use of complementary medicine in the NHS and his current research continues that legacy.

The IRPP/SAAH established methodologies for heritage-led rehabilitation in countries undergoing transition.
Internet fraud

Research into online fraud has revealed prevalence rates, the processes involved and psychological effects on victims.
Language Policy in London

Research impact relates to the study of the multitude of languages spoken by London school children.
Low power electronic systems for industry via BMT

The impact of Balanced Model Truncation resulted from groundbreaking work at the Applied DSP and VLSI Research Group.
Media communications policy in Britain

Research has informed several parliamentary inquiries, as well as the Leveson Inquiry and BBC policy-making.
Motion sickness, clinical vestibular diseases and vertigo

Research into the treatment and prevention of motion sickness and vestibular disorders has improved diagnosis and outcomes.
Museums, galleries and the international visitor experience

The quality of information for international visitors to London’s museums and galleries varies enormously.
Olympics and the law

Research influenced legislation relating to the event zones, advertising and trading regulations for the London 2012 Olympics.
Online platforms and creative users

Research into digital platforms has led to developments at organisations including the BBC, S4C and the LEGO Group.
Pensions: retirement age, planning and ethnic minorities

Research encompasses a multidisciplinary approach to pensions provision and social policy.
Re-invigorating Chinese medicine as living tradition

Research has contributed to a reinvigoration of interest in a forgotten area of Chinese medicine.
Speaking out on Tibetan politics and international relations

Dibyesh Anand has positively impacted on Tibet's fragile situation within China and in exile in India and in the West.
The Evaluation of Judicial Mediation in Employment Tribunals

The first robust statistical evaluation project on the cost-effectiveness of Judicial Mediation within Employment Tribunals.
The London French: liberty, equality, opportunity

The French have constituted an important presence in London for several centuries, though with variable degrees of ‘visibility’. Despite their increasing profile and contributions, the complex and evolving dynamics of the relationship between London and its French residents remains little researched.
The family legacy

Research into Nigerian cinema has inspired a drama about sickle cell disease, helping inform the UK’s West African community.
The night-time economy in town and city centres

Research on the evening and night-time economy has contributed to improving the management of these environments.
The response of navies to operational and political needs

Professor Richard Harding’s work has connected him internationally with scholars and navies.
Understanding depression

Research has revealed how a diverse group of people go about recovering from depression.
Visual culture, history and memory of Mao's China

Research has opened up a new methodological approach to the study of the Mao era.