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The Global Economic Policy Group

About the centre

The Global Economic Policy Group (GEPG) is a joint venture between the University of Westminster (UK), FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany) and Shandong University (China). We promote multilateral cooperation between researchers working in the area of international economics with a shared vision to produce high-quality research that advances knowledge while ensuring that it has a positive impact on policy and practice.

We host regular workshops, where our recent speakers have included Professor Yifan Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Professor Gabriel Felbermayr (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), Professor Plutarchos Sakellaris (Athens University of Economics and Business), Dr Christoph Görtz (University of Birmingham) and Professor Mathias Hoffmann (University of Zurich).

If you would like to receive details of our upcoming events, please contact Karen Jackson (E: )


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Global Economic Policy Group Workshop 2023



  • Filippidis, M., Filis, G. and Magkonis, G. 2024. Evaluating Oil Price Forecasts: A Meta-analysis. The Energy Journal. 45 (2).


  • Beckmann, J. and Schmerer, H.J., 2023. Real and Financial Integration in Asia–Recent Evidence and Policy Perspective. Open Economies Review, pp.1-8.
  • Bournakis, I. and Mei, J. 2023. Embodied and Disembodied FDI Spillovers and Distance from the Educational Frontier. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade.
  • Bournakis, I. and Mei, J.C. 2023. Gender, Firm Performance, and FDI supply-purchase Spillovers in Emerging Markets. International Economics. 175, pp. 90-105. 
  • Carnero, M.A., León, A. and Ñíguez, T.M. 2023. Skewness in energy returns: estimation, testing and implications for tail risk. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. 90, pp. 178-189.
  • Filippidis, M., Filis, G., Magkonis, G. and Tzouvanas, P. 2023. Evaluating robust determinants of the WTI/Brent oil price differential: A dynamic model averaging analysis. Journal of Futures Markets. 43 (6), pp. 807-825.
  • Grabowski, W., Janus, J. and Stawasz-Grabowska, E., 2023. The COVID-19 pandemic and financial markets in Central Europe: Macroeconomic measures and international policy spillovers. Emerging Markets Review, 54, p.100991.
  • Jackson, K. and Shepotylo, O., 2023. Transforming East Asia: Regional Integration in a Trade War Era. Open Economies Review, 34(3), pp. 657 - 672.


  • Beck, K., 2022. Macroeconomic policy coordination and the European business cycle: Accounting for model uncertainty and reverse causality. Bulletin of Economic Research.
  • Beckmann, J., Belke, A. and Gros, D., 2022. Savings–investment and the current account More measurement than identity. Journal of International Money and Finance, 121, p.102507.
  • Beckmann, J. and Czudaj, R.L., 2022. Exchange rate expectation, abnormal returns, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 196, pp.1-25.
  • Boonman, T., Litsios, I., Pilbeam, K. and Pouliot, W., 2022. Modelling the trade balance between the northern and southern eurozone using an intertemporal approach. Journal of International Money and Finance, 121, p.102508.
  • Khan, J., Li, Y. and Girardin, E., 2022. Is a clash coming when trade and climate meet at the border? The impact of the EU's carbon border adjustment on China's belt and road initiative. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 63, pp.112–124.
  • León, Á. and Ñíguez, T.M. 2022. Polynomial adjusted Student-t densities for modeling asset returns. The European Journal of Finance. 28 (9), pp. 907-929. 


  • Beck, K., 2021. Why business cycles diverge? Structural evidence from the European Union. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 133, p.104263.
  • Beckmann, J. and Czudaj, R.L., 2021. Fiscal policy uncertainty and its effects on the real economy: German evidence. Oxford Economic Papers, 73(4), pp.1516-1535.
  • Catania, M., Baimbridge, M.J. and Litsios, I., 2021. Legislative budgetary power and fiscal discipline in the euro area. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management.
  • Dai, S. and Taube, M., 2021. Strategic ambiguity in policy formulation: exploring the function of the term “township and village enterprises” in china’s industrial ownership reforms. Journal of Chinese Governance, 6(2), pp.232-256.
  • Hansen, J., Reinecke, A. and Schmerer, H.J., 2021. Health Expenditures and the Effectiveness of Covid-19 Prevention in International Comparison. CESifo Working Paper Series 9069, CESifo.
  • Jackson, K., 2021. An Analysis of the Trade Policy Review of the European Union. The World Economy. 44(12), pp.3482–3491.
  • Yang, S., Lancheros, S. and Milner, C., 2021. Technological catch-up to the national and regional frontier: Firm-level evidence for India. The Journal of Development Studies, 57(8), pp.1303–1320.
  • Zhu, Y., Li, Y., Wang, Y. and Li, L., 2021. The Impact of Water and Soil Scarcity and Pollution on Industrial Agglomeration: Evidence from China. Sustainability, 13(10), p.5428.

External (UK) and international members


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Contact Dr Karen Jackson, Group Leader:

T: +44 20 7911 5000 ext 66593
E: [email protected]