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About us
The Westminster Law and Technology Hub (WLTH) brings together the large variety of stakeholders active at the intersection of the legal field with the cutting-edge emerging technologies of this century. We bring together academics, practitioners, policymakers, activists, judges, entrepreneurs, the public, and many more to explore the impact of technology on law, economics, and society.
The Westminster Law and Technology Hub promotes research and knowledge exchange on a range of topics.
Selected publications:
- Sancho, D. 2024. The purpose model: can data protection purpose help us regain control? (submitted)
- Gandorfer, D. 2022. Down and Dirty in the Field of Play: Startup Societies, Cryptostatecraft, and Critical Complicity. Law Critique 33, pp. 355–377
- Marchetti, F, 2022. Risks of a lack of data sharing for children safeguarding.
- Gandorfer, D. 2022. Logische Phantasie Lab. Media Forensics in the Web3. Mediacommons.orgSancho, D. 2020. Automated Decision-Making and Article 22 GDPR: Towards a more substantial regime for solely automatic decision-making. in: Ebers, M. and Navas, S. (ed.) Algorithms and Law, (CUP). pp. 136-156
- Sancho, D. 2020. Comentario al Artículo 22 Reglamento General de Proteccion de Datos. in: Comentarios al Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (Thomson Reuters Aranzadi). pp. 91-109
- Sancho, D. 2017. The Concept of Establishment and Data Protection Law: Rethinking Establishment, European Law Review 42, pp. 491-508Marchetti, F. 2016. The strategy of the European Commission for a digital single market in the current legislative proposals. Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale 52, pp. 326-335
- Sancho, D. 2015. Developing Search Engine Law: It Is Not just about the Right to Be Forgotten, Legal Issues of Economic Integration 42, pp. 357–382

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