University Housing

As part of your exchange experience, you can apply to live in one of the University’s halls of residence.

You can apply for one of the following halls, which all represent great value for money:

Please note that Marylebone Hall will be closed for refurbishment from 7 June 2025, which will be unavailable as an option for the 2025–26 academic year.

The University’s halls of residence are popular. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee you a place in halls, and you should be prepared to find private accommodation in case your application is unsuccessful.

How to apply for our halls

You will be given the option to apply for halls on our online application form.

We will then process your application for you – you do not need to apply separately via the University's online housing portal.

If your application is successful and you are offered a room, you'll receive a set of instructions to secure your room.

You are then responsible for ensuring that the Student Accommodation team receives your acceptance and deposit before the deadline specified on your tenancy offer. You must pay for your room for the duration of the semester.

If your application is unsuccessful, you'll receive a notification from the Student Accommodation team, who will also send you an information pack about finding alternative accommodation in London.

Please note that the accommodation refund policy for incoming exchange students is the same as the one for study abroad students.