Module registration

Module registration

Module registration dates and times for continuing students are published below. 

  • Opens at 9am on Wednesday 2 April 2025
  • Closes at 5pm on Wednesday 30 April 2025

Please ensure you select your modules by the deadline otherwise your modules will be chosen for you by your Academic Department, and changes will not be possible in most cases.

You'll receive an invite to complete your module registration in your University email account with instructions with further information, but you should also keep an eye on the Student Hub homepage for news and alerts too.

Your student timetable can be viewed online and added to your calendar. For information view the Timetables page.   

For more detail on module registration, refer to the section on Course Structure in the Academic Regulations (Undergraduates Section 17, 3.2 and Postgraduates Section 18.18). This provides information in the section Guidance: Student Responsibilities – Module Registration.

Further information on the module registration process for full-time undergraduate students, postgraduate students and part-time students can be found in the relevant sections below.

Online module registration

You can search for module descriptions for all courses by going to the Student Hub, clicking on "My Student Record", logging into your Westminster student account, clicking on the main menu and then going to "Module Search" to find your course.

Programme specifications are available to view online:

If you have any queries about the course information, please contact the Student Centre.

Full-time undergraduate students

Most full-time undergraduate students will need to complete their module registration online. You will receive an email which confirms the process you need to follow.

Your core modules are automatically registered and, depending on your programme specification, you may also need to register for optional modules.

Before the module registration process opens online, think carefully about the modules you'd like to study – spaces on modules are limited and will fill up fast. When you've completed your online module registration, you will normally not be permitted to make any changes.

Part-time students

Online module registration is available for some part-time courses. You will be emailed with details on registering your modules.

Postgraduate students

Online module registration is available for some postgraduate courses. You will be emailed with details on how to register your modules for next year.

University-wide electives

University-wide Electives are credit-bearing modules that will provide you with the opportunity to expand your professional skills and career development.

Choosing a University-wide Elective will give you the opportunity to undertake work-based learning, develop projects and experience different areas of study within the University.

Find out more about University-wide Electives.

Polylang (Modern Languages) or Polylang (English Communication)

If you're interested in learning a new language or developing one of your current languages, you can have a look at the University's open language programme, Polylang.

If you have not taken a Polylang language in year 0/1/2 of your course please choose the grade 1 of your chosen language and complete the online grading.

Find out more about Polylang.

Changing your module selection

If you have registered for a module but need to change to a different one for a valid reason, you must do so in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Academic Regulations particularly in the section "Guidance: Student Responsibilities – Module Registration". (Undergraduates Section 17, 3.2 and Postgraduates Section 18.18).

Changes are considered only in exceptional circumstances and must be submitted before the end of the first week of teaching in a semester. You will not normally be permitted to change a module once delivery of that module has started. You may be required to submit supporting information in order to consider any changes. Students will not be able to register for modules that have reached student capacity. Module Leaders cannot guarantee a place on modules that are full as there are implications for timetabling that must be considered.

Requests to change a module registration after the first week of teaching will only be considered where:

  • The original module cannot be accommodated within the validated course structure; or
  • A part-time student has a verified conflict between a selected module and work obligations; or
  • The University acknowledges that the published module information is misleading.

If you need to change your module registration choice for a valid reason, please contact the Student Centre.

Please note that where the procedure for a change of module registration is not followed, or the request not accepted, you will remain on the original module and be subject to the assessment requirements for that module.

Students retaking modules

If your mode of attendance for the forthcoming academic year is 'PTR', you will be a module retriever for the next session. This means that you have not passed enough credits overall to progress to the next level of your studies/complete your studies with your intended award.

You may need to register for a retake/defer module(s) or have outstanding re-assessment/s that you need to complete in the next academic session. You will not be able to re-enrol until you have completed your module choices.

You will be contacted to register for your modules. If you have any questions, please contact the Student Centre.

Need help or have any questions?

Please contact the Student Centre and they will be happy to help.