If you're going through a difficult period with your studies, there are ways that we can help you.
Withdrawing from or interrupting your studies may sometimes seem like a quick and easy solution to your problems, but it may not be the best option for you and it's important that you consider the alternatives.
Important: Withdrawing from or interrupting your studies may have an effect on your student funding, tuition fee liability and, if applicable, your student visa – read through our guidance and talk to our Student AdvisersGo to our Student Advice page if you have any other questions.
There is a difference between withdrawing from and interrupting your studies and it's critical to understand the difference between the two.
Interrupting your studies
If you interrupt your studies, it means you're taking time out from your course with the intention of re-joining it again at the next available opportunity (usually within one year). During the period of interruption, you are still considered to be a full-time student for most purposes, but Student Finance England funding is not normally available during these periods.
Please note that interrupting your studies can have financial implications and, if applicable, can affect your student visa.
Resumption of studies
Normally students interrupt studies for one academic year. When you are due to return your Registry will invite you to re-enrol prior to the start of your next academic year. You're expected to resume your studies in the next academic year in the same month that you started your course (eg September, January). You'll be invited to re-enrol in the same month regardless of when your modules are due to start. Please ensure you complete enrolment when invited or we'll assume that you have left the University and you'll be withdrawn.
However, if you interrupt studies mid-year and intend to return in the next semester or you interrupt your studies and did not resume studies in the next academic year, you'll need to complete the Resumption of Studies form below and gain approval from your Course Leader. The form must be submitted to the Student CentreGo to the Support and services page prior to your planned return date.
Please note that interrupting your studies can have financial implications and, if applicable, can affect your student visa.
Withdrawing from your studies
If you withdraw from your studies, it means you're leaving your course completely, with no intention of returning at a later date. When you've withdrawn from your studies, you'll no longer be considered a student and if you decide you'd like to study with us again, you'll need to complete the admissions process again. Please note that withdrawing your studies can have financial implications and, if applicable, can affect your student visa.
New first year students only: By law you have the right to cancel your contract with the University within 14 days of the date of your acceptance of our offer. You can cancel your contract with us up until midnight on the day before the start of teaching week 3. If you accept our offer less than 14 days before the start of teaching week 3, you are still eligible for the 14-day cooling off period, even where this extends beyond the start of teaching week 3. This is subject to the University receiving formal written notification from you by this deadline, using the Withdrawal from Studies Form (see below).
Who to speak to
- If you're struggling with your work and need academic advice, contact your Personal Tutor or Course Leader. If you're unsure who your Personal Tutor is, you can see who they are by logging in to My Student Record or by asking your Course Leader or Registry Office.
- If you haven't been able to submit coursework or attend some exams due to illness, our mitigating circumstances process exists to ensure that you're not disadvantaged during your studies by serious, unforeseen and unpreventable circumstances.
- If you're having personal difficulties that you don't wish to discuss with your Personal Tutor or Course Leader, make an appointment with our Counsellors to talk about the issues in confidence.
- If your problems relate to your finances, funding or immigration status, speak to our Student AdvisersGo to our Student Advice page.
- If you have a Student Visa, the University is required to notify the Home Office/UKVI if you interrupt or withdraw. If you're no longer attending a course, you will not be meeting the terms of your student visa and the Home Office will therefore normally curtail/shorten your visa and expect you to leave the UK during the period you're not studying.
- If you have an ongoing health issue/disability/Specific Learning Difficulty that's affecting your studies, register with our Disability Learning Support team and find out whether you are entitled to any individual assessment arrangements.
- Individual assessment and exam arrangements are there to help compensate for the difficulties that students with particular disabilities face, but they are not automatic – you must apply for them through Disability Learning Support.
- If you are transferring to another institution you may require evidence of the modules you have taken. For further details please take a look at the Transcript and Certificate Request page.
How to withdraw from or interrupt your studies
If you've explored all your options and decide that you'd like to interrupt your studies or withdraw:
- login to My Student Record
- go to the ‘My Profile’ tab
- in the ‘My Self Service’ box click on the ‘Interrupting or Withdrawing from Studies’ link
- complete the online process.
When you are ready to resume your studies following an interruption, you need to submit the resuming studies form.
Student Finance England
If you receive funding from Student Finance England (SFE), interrupting or withdrawing from your studies can affect your SFE funding and entitlement in many ways. Your funding entitlement can also be affected if you repeat a year (or part of the year). It's essential to speak with our Student AdvisersGo to our Student Advice page before making a decision.
You'll need to notify SFE that you're interrupting or withdrawing from your course, to enable them to revise your funding entitlement and stop any funding payments that are due to be paid. Update your online SFE account.
If you withdraw or interrupt partway through the academic year, SFE will re-assess your funding entitlement for the year and you may be asked to repay some of the Maintenance Loan and Grants you've received.
If you interrupt at the end of the academic year, SFE normally stop any future instalments of loans and grants until you resume your study and start attending your course.
If you interrupt, withdraw or end up repeating a year because of health issues you should also contact our Student AdvisersGo to our Student Advice page to discuss the effect on your funding. If you interrupt partway through a year because of health reasons, SFE can allow funding to continue for a further 60 days after the date you interrupt (you may be asked to provide evidence of your health issues).
If you interrupt during the academic year because of other reasons, SFE also have the discretion to allow funding to continue if loss of funding will cause financial hardship.
If you withdraw from your course, SFE will usually stop any future instalments of loans and grants as you cease to be a student. Your attendance on this course or any previous degree level course will also reduce your entitlement to receive a Tuition Fee Loan and Maintenance/Special Support Grant for a future degree-level course, even if you only attended for one day and even if you did not apply for or receive any SFE funding.
Get in touch with our Student AdvisersGo to our Student Advice page for more detailed information and advice about the effect on your funding and the options available to you. Further information on the Financial Implications can be found on the Student Finance Page.
Students who started before 2012/13 and receive SFE funding
If you withdraw from your course and intend to start studying again in the future, you'll be assessed under the new student funding rules. You'll be liable to pay the higher tuition fees introduced in 2012/13.
If you interrupt for one year and resume your studies, you should remain eligible for the pre-2012/13 tuition fees and for the pre-2012/13 student funding. However, if you change your mode of attendance from part-time to full-time (or vice-versa), your eligibility may change.
Withdrawing or interrupting and the effect on tuition fees
The amount of tuition fee you will need to pay depends on the date that you interrupt/withdraw and submit your interruption or withdrawal form.
Depending on your interruption/withdrawal date, you may become personally liable to pay the University some or all of your fees.
The deadlines are given in the guidance notes provided with the forms.
Further information can be found on the Interrupting your studies: understand the financial implications page.
Further help and advice
If you're unsure about the implications of withdrawing/interrupting, get in touch with our Student AdvisersGo to our Student Advice page.