Polylang (Modern Languages) or Polylang (English Communication)

Polylang has two programmes: Polylang (Modern Languages) and Polylang (English Communication).

Polylang (Modern Languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian and Spanish)

If you're interested in learning a new language or developing one of your current languages, have a look at the University's open language programme, Polylang (Modern Languages).

The programme is open to all students as well as to members of staff, our alumni community and members of the public. We welcome all levels from beginner to advanced.

Registrations are not currently being taken. The application form at the link below will reopen on 1 April 2025.

register for a language course

What are the benefits of studying a language?

There are many good reasons to study a language as part of, or alongside, your main subject, including the following:

  • You'll enhance your employability and career progression prospects (74% of British employers look for candidates who have at least conversational language skills in a foreign language, according to a Confederation of British Industry survey)
  • You'll improve your general communication skills
  • You'll gain an insight into new cultures and ways of seeing the world
  • More than 85% of graduates who took Polylang found professional employment

To find out more about the career opportunities open to those with language skills, visit the Target jobs website.

Which Polylang modern languages are available?

You can study the following languages as an elective:

  • Arabic (Grades 1-6)
  • Spanish (Grades 1-6)
  • Chinese (Grades 1-4)
  • Italian (Grades 1-3)
  • French (Grades 1-6)
  • Japanese (Grades 1-3)
  • German (Grades 1-4)
  • Russian (Grades 1-3)

All our modules are benchmarked against an internationally-recognised set of standards, the Common European Framework of Reference (Languages) (CEFR). This is what you'll study in your module:

Grade 1

  • Personal identities; your home, hometown and residential area; shopping (food and drink); daily life; free time; the local area and directions.
  • Target output (FIGRS)*: A1
  • Target output (ACJ)**: A1

Grade 2

  • University life; health matters; university life and employment; local geography; travel and holidays; cultural activities; famous figures in society and personal biographies.
  • Target output (FIGRS)*: A2.2
  • Target output (ACJ)**: A2.1

Grade 3

Studying, working and living abroad; different regions and the environment; the world of work; the family and demographics; values and lifestyles across generations; aspects of social and cultural life and education systems including language learning.

  • Target output (FIGRS)*: B1.1
  • Target output (ACJ)**: A2.2

Grade 4

Countries where the language is spoken; cultural similarities and differences; commitment in society; migration and mobility; lifestyles, health and well-being; the jobs market and career prospects and media/social networking.

  • Target output (FIGRS)*: B1.2
  • Target output (ACJ)**: B1.1

Grade 5

Language and communication in contemporary society; diversity and identity issues; work and employability in a global world; current affairs in politics and society; issues of freedom and democracy; religion and secularism, the environment.

  • Target output (FIGRS)*: B2.1
  • Target output (ACJ)**: B1.2

Grade 6

Grade 6 modules are designed for heritage speakers who have had significant exposure to a language at home and/or at school but need to enhance their skills for use in academic and professional life. The modules focus on the language skills required in the workplace (giving presentations, business correspondence) alongside topics such as standard and formal language, diversity and identity and current issues in politics, economics and society.

  • Target output (FIGRS)*: B2.2+
  • Target output (ACJ)**: B2.2+

*FIGRS = French, Italian, German, Russian and Spanish

** ACJ = Arabic, Chinese and Japanese


You cannot take a Polylang module in your native language or in a language in which you already have a higher level of skill than the highest output listed above. Students with heritage language skills can apply for Grade 6.

Undergraduate students

Polylang offers you the opportunity to study an additional language at the University of Westminster as part of your course, as long as your course allows you to take an elective.

If you're going to be a Level 4 or Level 5 student in September 2024, you can start a new language as a complete beginner or you can continue with a language that you already know. However, if you're going to be a final year student in September 2024, your language skills must be sufficiently developed for you to be accepted onto a Grade 3 module. There is one exception to this rule, if you have previously completed a Grade 1 Polylang module in your target language as part of your degree course, you're able to take a Grade 2 module in the same language in your final year. 

When do the Polylang (Modern Languages) modules run?

Polylang’s modern language modules start at the beginning of Semester 1 and run for two semesters. Classes take place at different times throughout the week to ensure that they accommodate most students’ timetables with many of the higher-level grades (Grade 3 and above) taking place on a Wednesday afternoon. 

How are Polylang (Modern Languages) modules taught and assessed?

Classes are normally two hours per week. (Exceptions are Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Russian workshops for grades 1 and 2 which are three hours long).

Teaching on the modules is normally classroom-based and takes place in an atmosphere that is enjoyable and interactive. In addition, you'll have access to a range of tailor-made study materials to support your learning.

Polylang uses formative and summative assessment to help you keep your language learning on track. Formative assessment takes place throughout the course and comprises both online and classroom-based assessments to ensure that you get good quality feedback on your learning. At the end of the module, you'll take summative assessments in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Please be aware that you must supply your own set of wired headphones for the onsite listening examination. The connector for your headphones should either be a 3.5 mm jack or a USB. Please note that wireless headphones are not suitable for this application. The University does not provide headphones for students. It is the responsibility of the student to bring their own headphones for any onsite listening examinations

Polylang X Modules – the one-semester option for exchange and study abroad students

If you are spending either Semester 1 or Semester 2 overseas in academic year 2024/25, you can apply to take a one-semester-long Polylang option – Polylang X. The Polylang X modules are 20-credit, one-semester-long modules that can be taken in either Semester 1 or 2. If you would like to take a Polylang X module, you must take an initial placement test to be allocated to the most appropriate grade.

Students on the Polylang X modules attend one semester’s worth of language classes with the year-long students and, in parallel, create a digital story in the target language. There is a two-hour workshop at the beginning of each semester on digital skills and you attend a one-hour tutorial each week to design and produce a digital story that showcases your language level. 

To register for a Polylang X module, please complete this online language assessment. 

Apply here

Please be aware that only those students who are spending either Semester 1 or Semester 2 overseas can be accepted on Polylang X modules. 

Polylang (English Communication)

Polylang (English Communication) comprises three modules designed to provide practical opportunities for any students wishing to develop their information-handling skills:

1ENGL001W: English Communication Grade 1

English Communication Grade 1 is designed to provide you with practical opportunities to extend your vocabulary, use of grammatical structures and information-handling skills so that you can communicate effectively in international professional settings and enhance your employability. The information-handling skills include paraphrasing, summarizing, referencing, report writing, oral presentations (both with and without visuals) and production of a well-structured argument. The typical exit language level on this module is equivalent to CEFR B2.2. 

1ENGL002W: English Communication Grade 2

English Communication Grade 2 is designed to provide you with focused, practical opportunities to develop the information-handling skills required in international, professional workplaces with an emphasis on tactful and tactical communication. The information-handling skills include formal written correspondence, note-taking, planning and writing essays and the delivery of presentations (both with and without visuals). The typical exit language level on this module is equivalent to CEFR C1. 

1ENGL003W: English Communication Grade 3

English Communication Grade 3 is designed to  provide you with focused, practical opportunities to develop the advanced, nuanced, information-handling skills required in pluricultural, professional workplaces with an emphasis on mediation. The information-handling skills include structuring and writing complex written briefs, written and spoken communication associated with meetings, contributing to online discussions and the delivery of sensitive presentations both with and without visuals. The typical exit language level on this module is equivalent to CEFR C1.

When do the Polylang (English Communication) modules run?

Each Polylang English Communication module is one semester long and comprises 11 x three-hour practical workshops – one per teaching week. The modules run in both Semester 1 and 2 and there are a number of groups per module. Each group is limited to 20 students.

How are Polylang (English Communication) modules taught and assessed?

Workshops are three hours per week. Teaching on the modules is normally classroom-based and takes place in an atmosphere that is enjoyable and interactive. 

Polylang (English Communication) uses regular formative assessments throughout the term to guide you and help you make progress. At the end of the module, you'll take summative assessments in speaking and writing.

How do I apply for Polylang (English Communication)? 

Please select Polylang (English Communication) as an elective. There is no requirement for you to complete an additional language assessment.

Do Polylang modules contribute towards your degree?

In most cases, Polylang modules can contribute to the classification of your undergraduate degree. For further details, please check our academic regulations (Part V, Section 17, page 3–4) or contact the course leader, Kate Weir, at [email protected].

Undergraduate students

  • You can take a Polylang module as a Westminster Elective module free of charge within your 120-credit (per year) limit
  • All modules carry 20 credits and can potentially count towards your progression and degree qualification
  • If you cannot take a Polylang module within your 120-credit limit, you can still study a language with Polylang but you would need to pay an additional module fee (£650 in 2024–25)
  • Postgraduate students

Postgraduate students

  • As a postgraduate student, you will need to pay an additional fee (£650 in 2024–25) to take a Polylang module, unless it is explicitly included in your programme
  • Polylang modules cannot contribute to a postgraduate award, but students can obtain a Certificate of Achievement upon successful completion of the module

More information

For students

If you would like to speak to one of the language-specific module leaders, please use the contact details below:

If you have any general queries about Polylang, please contact the Course Leader, Kate Weir at [email protected].

For alumni and members of the public

Please contact the course leader, Kate Weir, at [email protected].

Withdrawal from Polylang

In exceptional circumstances, it may be possible for students to withdraw from a Polylang module.

If you need to withdraw from a Polylang module, please contact the Library and Student Centre with your name and student ID number at [email protected].

The deadline for withdrawing is 10am on 6 Oct 2023 after which no withdrawals will normally be accepted. If you have paid additionally for your Polylang module, you'll receive a full refund only if you have withdrawn by the deadline. If you withdraw after the deadline no refund will be given.