Emeritus staff

Emeritus Professors

The title Emeritus Professor is awarded to eligible former members of staff to recognise a professor’s distinguished service to us and their future continuing association with the University of Westminster.

Our distinguished Emeritus Professors represent a broad range of national and internationally recognised areas of academic expertise and are engaged for a term of three years following their retirement. During this time they can contribute to a number of activities including:

  • supervision of PhD students
  • participation in research seminars
  • providing advice on research proposals and grants
  • mentoring staff and students

Emeritus Fellows

The title Emeritus Fellow is awarded to eligible former members of staff who:

  • Have held a senior position at the University of Westminster (e.g. Principal Lecturer, Principal Research Fellow, Reader, Head of Department, Director, Associate Dean or Dean of Faculty).
  • Have retired after several years of service at the University.
  • Have been elected by their line manager to hold the title of Emeritus Fellow, for the duration of the completion of a specific task, series of activities and/or association with a specific project, which would benefit from their detailed knowledge of the University.

Our distinguished Emeritus Fellows represent a range of areas of professional expertise and are engaged for a term of three years following their retirement. 

Current Emeritus Professors and Fellows

Our current Emeritus Professors and Fellows are: