Yulia Knottenbelt

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Liberal Arts and Sciences

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About me

I was born and grew up in St Petersburg, and undertook my BA in Linguistics and Education, MA in Intercultural Communication and PhD in Applied Linguistics/RFL at Herzen State Pedagogical University (Philological Faculty). I also went to University of Northern Iowa where I did MA in TESOL and first started teaching Russian to groups of students. Upon graduation I returned to Russia to teach English, Intercultural Communication, Linguistics and Translation and also to study for my PhD. I moved to London in 2008 and started teaching at Middlesex University, where I also was the Programme Leader for International Business and Language. I joined the University of Westminster in 2009.


I currently teach undergraduate students who take Russian as a part of their degree and Polylang students.


My research interests are in the field of Intercultural Communication, Translation, Interpreting and Russian Language Teaching Methodology. My dissertation title is: Developing skills of English speaking students to perform Linguocultural analysis of speech behaviour (using original and translated texts of fiction dialogues). I hold DPSI (Legal) and am a member of Institute of Linguists.