Westminster Enterprise Network (WeNetwork) is the University of Westminster's entrepreneurial hub which offers support to current students and graduates to develop their entrepreneurial skills and mindset. WeNetwork supports start-ups, side-hustles and freelancers from all backgrounds and abilities.

Below are some of the stories from students and graduates that have been supported by WeNetwork to help kickstart their entrepreneurial journey.

"I am really glad that I applied for the Big Idea Competition, it was a great opportunity not only for my business idea but for my own personal development too. My confidence has grown greatly over the programme as I developed my networking, public speaking and entrepreneurial skills. It changed my university experience, allowing me to interact with a variety of students in other courses and levels of study that I wouldn't normally meet. I started with zero expectations of where my idea could go and kept my mind open to learning as much as I could from the talks and my peers, I was inspired by what I learned and kept refining my idea with the feedback and support I received."

- Grace Tayo, Founder of Tayo Knit 

"The Pioneer Bursary from WeNetwork is key for my career in graphic design and illustration. I plan to use the £500 to buy a new computer, which is vital for running advanced software and improving my work. This support helps with the expenses and is an important step in becoming a freelancer."

- Marta Rodriguez Morilla, participant of the Freelance Essentials programme

"The Elevate business support programme worked extremely well for me as it made me see my business in the bigger picture and plan and strategise accordingly. As a co-founder, it is very easy to get lost in everyday operations of the business and react to things as they come up but with this programme, I have set my strategy goals and started working more productively."

- Piril Buran, Co-Founder of PawsApp 

You can support and connect with our community of students, graduates and academics by:

  • Giving inspirational talks and networking with student entrepreneurs
  • Taking part in entrepreneurial activities delivered as part of the curriculum
  • Mentoring early-stage founders and freelancers
  • Offering paid freelance work opportunities or paid internships in a start-up

Find out more about WeNetwork and how you can support our students' entrepreneurial dreams.