Alumni discount

Pay 20% less for your Masters 

The University of Westminster offers a 20% discount on its full- and part-time Masters courses* starting within the 2024/25 and 2025/26 academic years if you are an alumnus in one of the following categories:

  • You hold a bachelor's degree with honours from the University of Westminster
  • You hold a Master's degree from the University of Westminster
  • You have successfully completed a minimum of one semester of study at the University of Westminster as a study abroad or exchange student** or on a recognised fee-paying foundation course***
  • You have successfully completed one or two sessions of the academic credit bearing London International Summer School**

Discount for research degrees

For those looking to study a research degree with us, our alumni community is also entitled to a discount of 20% for home fee payers and 15% for international fee payers.

* This discount does not apply to the March (RIBA part 2) and RIBA (III) Professional Practice in Architecture.

** To qualify for the discount, you must have successfully completed your study abroad, exchange or summer school programme, including any resits, by the time of enrolment. Please ensure you identify yourself as a past study abroad or exchange student at the time of your application.

***Please note this does not include the International Foundation Certificate taught at Kaplan International College London.

We look forward to welcoming you back to continue your educational journey with us.

For more information, please contact our Course Enquiries Team at [email protected].