Architecture and Environmental Design BSc
Westminster has a great system of communication between tutors and students. The tutors are available to help on more than just one platform. You can contact them online or see them in person through one-to-one sessions. They are very understanding of your situation while offering you constructive feedback. The lectures and tutorials are very beneficial, and there aren’t any feelings of judgement.
Why did you choose the University of Westminster?
The University of Westminster instantly clicked as a place of comfort, innovation, inclusivity and academic rigour. London is a great place to study architecture, and your academic excellence is as good as the intellect of your tutors, the brilliance of your peers and the facilities you're given. Westminster has proven capable in all of them.
How has your experience been studying in London?
London offers educational value no matter where you are and what you're doing. I'm always given a chance to familiarise the knowledge I've gathered throughout the years of study through the architecture around me. There are events and areas for every type of person, and eventually, you will be able to find the area that fits you best. That's what I love the most about London.
What have you particularly enjoyed about your course?
The Architecture and Environmental Design course is often seen as a digital subject focused on numbers and calculations, but this isn't the case. It promotes an ethical culture of architecture concerning the environment and the people occupying it. It stresses the importance of evidencing our design decisions with statistics. We learn to give our designs a good character. It's like giving a good face a great personality as well.
How have you found academic support as part of your studies?
Westminster has a great system of communication between tutors and students. The tutors are available to help on more than just one platform. You can contact them online or see them in person through one-to-one sessions. They are very understanding of your situation while offering you constructive feedback. The lectures and tutorials are very beneficial, and there aren’t any feelings of judgement.
Are there any stand-out facilities associated with your course?
The Fabrication Lab offers a place for you to test everything you've learned. The knowledge you receive through making something in real life is irreplaceable to anything you've read. Even though the course is relatively new, the course leaders have applied their expertise in making and providing us with all the tools needed to help us record, analyse and manufacture solutions.
Tell us about your experience of using the University Careers and Employability Service
Yes, I have received guidance on building my CV and preparing for interviews. I’ve enjoyed these sessions and have found them very helpful.
What would your advice be to someone considering studying at Westminster?
Be open to new things and always step out of your comfort zone, especially in the case of making friends. The university offers a strong academic rigour but try to balance that out with extracurricular activities and other fun things to avoid burnout.
What's the best aspect of being a University of Westminster student?
I've always felt very safe on my campus. I see the location, facilities, academic staff, and their involvement with student life very positively. Also, the in-house Costa Coffee is the best part of my mornings.
What was the most surprising or unexpected aspect of your Westminster experience?
I'm an international student who didn't have any family or friends in the UK when I first moved here. As lonely as that sounds, there aren't many times when I've felt lonely during my time here. This is mainly due to the many activities that the University organises. They also offer excellent student support for financial and mental matters, which I've found helpful.