Selin Ismetova

Head and shoulders image of Selin Ismetova

International Media Business MA- 2023

The best aspect of being a University of Westminster student is the dynamic environment, which fosters informed decision-making and adaptability. It is an environment where learning is accelerated, and challenges are embraced.

Why did you choose the University of Westminster?

The University of Westminster's outstanding reputation in Media and Communication studies, coupled with the opportunity to learn from industry experts, was a significant factor in my decision. Additionally, the university's location in the vibrant city of London and the diverse range of international media topics covered in the curriculum perfectly aligned with my career aspirations.

How has your experience been studying in London?

Studying in London has been a pivotal experience that has left an indelible mark on my professional journey. The city's status as an international hub attracts a diverse community of students, which helped me in many ways. The combination of academic excellence, industry connections, and the cosmopolitan environment in London has been invaluable. It truly is a dream city for students.

What have you particularly enjoyed about your course?

I particularly enjoyed the hands-on approach of the International Media Business course, which included opportunities for internships in London. This allowed me to gain firsthand insights from professionals in leading global companies. The course's focus on entrepreneurial skills, such as developing and pitching business plans for digital media startups, has provided me with the practical knowledge and skills needed for success in the media industry.

How have you found academic support as part of your studies?

The academic and lecturer support at the University of Westminster has been outstanding. Accessibility, expertise, proactive measures, and holistic support services collectively create an environment conducive to effective learning and student success.

Are there any stand-out facilities associated with your course?

One notable feature is the state-of-the-art media labs and studios. These cutting-edge facilities have provided a hands-on learning environment, allowing me to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Access to modern equipment and technology has been instrumental in developing practical skills relevant to the evolving media field. The university's emphasis on work-based learning is complemented by its strong connections with media organisations in London, providing opportunities for work placements and internships at renowned companies.

Tell us about your experience of using the University Careers and Employability Service.

I have utilised the University's Careers and Employability Service, specifically for assistance in improving my CV. My experience with the service has been highly positive and beneficial, resulting in me securing a desired internship.

Tell us about any activities that you have undertaken outside of your course.

Outside of my coursework, I actively participated in the Big Idea Competition, an exciting venture that allowed me to explore entrepreneurial opportunities. Specifically, I entered the Ideate category, which involved developing and transforming a business idea into a viable business concept. Making it to the semi-finals was a significant accomplishment for me.

What would your advice be to someone considering studying at Westminster?

I advise someone considering studying at Westminster to start without hesitation. This will allow them to experience studying there right away. They should be curious, open to diverse ideas, and embrace opportunities that encourage thinking outside the box. They should have confidence in themselves and believe that by joining the university, they will inevitably achieve success.

What's the best aspect of being a University of Westminster student?

The best aspect of being a University of Westminster student is the dynamic environment, which fosters informed decision-making and adaptability. It is an environment where learning is accelerated, and challenges are embraced. The experience taught me the valuable skills of discipline, curiosity, and consistency – attributes I continue applying in my job role today.

What was the most surprising or unexpected aspect of your Westminster experience?

The most surprising and unexpected aspect of my Westminster experience was the course's emphasis on work-based learning, industry engagement through guest speakers and panel discussions, and the development of entrepreneurial skills. These elements collectively created a stimulating and enriching learning environment. Overall, the International Media Business MA met and exceeded my expectations, providing a well-rounded and practical education that prepares graduates for the multifaceted challenges of the modern media landscape.