Sound designer | Mixbox Studios, India
Audio Production MA
What was the best thing about being a student in London?
The best thing about studying in London was being exposed to the variety of art forms the city has to offer and the diverse cultural mix that has a unique artistic subculture to it.
What extra-curricular activities did you participate in that enhanced your time at the University?
I was very enthusiastic about helping out at the tech office, assisting and rigging for live gigs, and working on documentaries produced by the film and television departments.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of pursuing a similar career?
Be focused and passionate. The competition is cutthroat and education will prepare you to be cutting edge.
Why would you recommend Westminster as a place to study?
The quality of teaching staff and facilities: it’s just extraordinary. Every professor has seen the best of both worlds, professional practice and education.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself, your achievements, life experiences, what inspires you, or your career that may be valuable or interesting to our prospective students or alumni?
After graduating from Westminster, I set up my own audio post-production studio in an old mansion just outside Mumbai. Back in 2007 we slowly started working on documentaries and short films. In 2011 I got my first major break with Balak Palak (Directed by Ravi Jadhav) which was an internationally acclaimed film.
In 2014 I was awarded the Prestigious IMFFA award for Achievement in Sound Design for my work in the film Yellow. Also, the short film Mitraa (Directed by Ravi Jadhav), for which I worked as a Sound Designer, won the National Award for the Best Short Film. I have worked as a Supervising Sound Editor/Designer on films like Rege, Timepass Part 1 & 2, Bioscope and Yellow.