CEO and Co-Founder | Laika Network
Music Business Management MA – 2008
My course gave me a firm foundation of knowledge to understand the music industry, it helped me get my first internship that then turned into a job here in London.
What are you doing now?
I run Laika Network, we help musicians make money on YouTube and use YouTube for marketing. Our key clients include The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Phil Collins, and we also work with 150 up-and-coming artists.
What did you find most valuable about your course at Westminster? How did the skills you learnt during your degree help you to shape your career?
My course gave me a firm foundation of knowledge to understand the music industry, it helped me get my first internship that then turned into a job here in London, and finally it gave me a group of friends and classmates that I still keep in touch with that work in the music industry, since networking is essential for making it in the music business.
What was the best thing about being a student in London?
Too many things to do for every interest!
What extra-curricular activities did you participate in that enhanced your time at the University?
I did an internship and I took a Spanish class.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of pursuing a similar career?
Do as much work experience as possible to find out what piques your interest.
Why would you recommend Westminster as a place to study?
It's located in London so there are many opportunities to do internships or work placements with music businesses.