Senior Business Affairs Manager (Lawyer) | Kobalt Music Group Limited
Law and LLM Entertainment Law LLB – 2002, 2005
My LLM in Entertainment Law gave me the insight into the music industry that I needed to make an informed decision on the area I wanted to specialise in. It was an extremely helpful course!
What are you doing now?
I am a fully qualified lawyer and work as a Senior Business Affairs Manager at Kobalt Music Group Ltd, an independent music publisher. I am also a mentor at the University of Westminster.
What did you find most valuable about your course at Westminster? How did the skills you learnt during your degree help you to shape your career?
My LLM in Entertainment Law gave me the insight into the music industry that I needed to make an informed decision on the area I wanted to specialise in. It was an extremely helpful course!
What was the best thing about being a student in London?
I was born and bred in London so this is my home. Being here allowed me to work part-time while studying full time.
Besides, London is one of the best cities in the world!
What extra-curricular activities did you participate in that enhanced your time at the University?
I had a very active social life before I started university and met a lot of people when I was working part-time. I was very much in the nightclub scene so I have always had music as part of my life.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of pursuing a similar career?
Think laterally and out of the box, don’t just wait for opportunities to come across you – create them!