Kelly Rodaway

Head and shoulders image of Kelly Rodaway

Fitness Community Executive | Optimum Nutrition

Sport and Exercise Nutrition MSc- 2021

Many more avenues have been available to me since completing my MSc.

What are you doing now?

At Optimum Nutrition, I was employed as the 'Fitness Community Executive' within the UK marketing team. My role involved recruiting fitness professionals (coaches, athletes, nutritionists, physios) to join the brand's ambassador program. I was responsible for organising in-person events and creating educational content to provide insights into nutritional products and help build brand loyalty.

What aspects of your job do you enjoy the most?

My absolute favourite aspect of the job was planning and executing the events. It was incredibly rewarding to see so many sports and fitness enthusiasts gathered in one location, training, competing, and developing their knowledge together. I personally learned so much from the attendees and the guest speakers.

Why did you choose the University of Westminster?

The University of Westminster provided complete online resources throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. They also offered an online 'summer transition' course, which was beneficial for me as I had not previously studied nutrition at a degree level.

How did you find your experience studying in London?

All of my studies were online, so it was very convenient.

What did you particularly enjoy about your course?

My favourite aspect of the master's program was the broad range of subjects covered within the syllabus. Not only did we learn the fundamentals of nutrition and hydration for competing athletes, but I was also introduced to sports psychology and physiology.

How did you find academic support as part of your studies?

All of the lecturers on the program were incredible. Although each had their own teaching style, all staff members were able to adapt to the challenging COVID-19 circumstances, ensuring that all classes were recorded, and resources were available to everyone.

It was also beneficial to have lecturers from different backgrounds; some had years of experience in public health/nursing, while others specialised in martial arts/functional fitness.

Were there any stand-out facilities associated with your course?

As my course was completed entirely online, I would say the breadth of knowledge supplied by the staff was the best aspect of the course. I was able to build a great rapport with lecturers and fellow students, some of whom I am still in contact with and often train with.

What was the best aspect of being a University of Westminster student?

The flexible study hours. All study resources were uploaded online to Moodle and made freely available to students. This was hugely beneficial for those who were working or caring for families. It meant that studies could be undertaken at any chosen hours.

What was the most surprising or unexpected aspect of your Westminster experience?

I definitely did not expect to enjoy my dissertation subject as much as I did. The topic was related to the contraceptive pill and how it may affect muscle cell growth. This is a topic I would like to continue pursuing, potentially in a future career. It has also become a subject I enjoy reading about in my personal time.

What advice would you offer someone considering a career in your field?

I would advise keeping an open mind while job hunting. While studying, I often thought that the only route for a sports nutritionist was to become a practitioner and provide literal advice to athletes or sports teams. However, I've since discovered that nutritional knowledge is so valuable in marketing, copywriting, and brand management. Many more avenues have been available to me since completing my MSc.