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Georgia Starling

Head and shoulders image of Georgia Starling

Public Relations MA- 2023

The University of Westminster perfectly balances a rigorous academic curriculum with practical, real-world experiences. This approach ensures graduates are not just academically proficient but also industry ready.

Why did you choose the University of Westminster?

Selecting the University of Westminster made sense to me. Positioned at the centre of London’s bustling public relations and media scene, it offered fantastic networking opportunities and avenues for professional growth. The programme's links with leading PR agencies and media organisations meant access to internships, guest lectures, and potential career opportunities

Notably, one of the guest lecturers on my course, a Managing Director of Technology at Edelman, recognised my passion during a lecture and recommended me for a job. Six months later, I was hired, and it's been a fulfilling journey ever since.

How has your experience been studying in London?

Studying in London has been a transformative journey of personal growth. While commuting from outside the city posed some challenges, navigating London became second nature. Juggling studies with full-time work and engaging with a diverse student community has been instrumental in developing my independence and resilience.

What have you particularly enjoyed about your course?

The course exceeded my expectations. Learning from experienced professionals and academics with a wealth of industry experience has been incredibly inspiring. Guest lectures

by PR experts, such as Vivian Borges, Head of PR at Patek Philippe, provided invaluable insights beyond textbooks. It opened my eyes to a whole new level of PR expertise.

How have you found academic support as part of your studies?

The academic support was exceptional. I felt valued as a student and never hesitated to ask questions or seek guidance. The academic staff were supportive and uplifting, keeping me grounded and motivated throughout my journey.

Are there any stand-out facilities associated with your course?

The university offers outstanding research facilities, including access to research software, statistical analysis tools, and specialised databases. I hadn't fully appreciated the importance of these resources until I utilised them extensively for my research projects.

Tell us about any activities that you have undertaken outside of your course.

Participating in the ICCO University PR World Cup with a classmate was a highlight. Considering my initial inexperience, winning the bronze was a proud moment. It was also my first strategic campaign, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

What would your advice be to someone considering studying at Westminster?

Embrace the challenging yet rewarding curriculum. Dive deep into coursework, engage in discussions, and enthusiastically approach practical projects. Active involvement will deepen your understanding and hone essential skills. Networking is equally vital. Attend guest lectures, join student organisations, and connect with alumni. A robust network can open doors to internships and job opportunities before and after graduation.

What's the best aspect of being a University of Westminster student?

The University of Westminster perfectly balances a rigorous academic curriculum with practical, real-world experiences. As a PR student, learning theory while applying it in real-life scenarios is invaluable. This approach ensures graduates are not just academically proficient but also industry ready.

What was the most surprising or unexpected aspect of your Westminster experience?

The integration of real-world applications into the curriculum was unexpectedly immersive. Beyond traditional academic learning, the emphasis on practical projects, PR campaign planning, and industry simulations was extensive. This practical approach significantly enhanced my readiness for the industry.