Sustainable Futures: Degrees in sustainability at Westminster



Date Wednesday 21 February 2024
Time 12 - 1pm
Location Online

Are you interested in learning more about sustainability? Join the University of Westminster’s webinar and discover your role in creating a more sustainable future through education and action.

A host of Westminster academics will be on hand to give you an overview of the following practical degrees:

  • Culture, Environment and Social Change BA: Challenge the norm and drive societal transformation by understanding the interplay between culture, environment, and social dynamics.
  • Global Challenges BA: Navigate the complex issues shaping our world today and develop solutions that change borders.
  • Sustainable Business Management BA: Develop your entrepreneurial spirit with a programme that blends business with sustainable practices, fostering a new generation of conscious business leaders.
  • Urban Planning and Design BA: Redefine urban landscapes with an emphasis on sustainability, creating environments that are not only functional but also ecologically responsible.

Discover your path to a sustainable future!

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