Jeremy Lyons, graduate of the Psychology MSc course and co-founder of the Westminster society BreatheUni, teamed up with Student Roost, one of the UK’s largest student accommodation providers, to host a free online mental health event for 20,000 residents.

BreatheUni logo loneliness and the fear of missing out

The webinar included a presentation and Q&A session with the founders of the programme, which aimed to bust myths around mental health. They discussed issues regarding loneliness, isolation and the fear of missing out (FOMO), as well as ways to focus on wellbeing while at university with the help of some real experience stories from BreatheUni. Information about where to ask for support with mental health, university course or accommodation problems was provided. The presenters also emphasised the fact that everyone’s university experiences differ, and during challenging times it is important to learn ways of looking after ourselves. 

BreatheUni was founded by Jeremy Lyons and his sister Louise Lyons-Appiah while they were attending the University of Westminster and the University of Birmingham respectively. It won Westminster’s 2022 Society of the Year award and describes itself as a safe space for students, run by students and the perfect place for anyone looking for support and learning about mental health, personal development and equality, diversity and inclusion. 

“I co-created the first ‘BreatheUni' community with other Psychology students taking a work experience module whilst at Westminster. The aim was to provide a non-judgemental safe space for university students struggling to 'just breathe',” said Lyons.

Affirmation cards for residents at Student Roost and BreatheUni event

They started organising weekly zoom sessions, to provide peer support using the mental health first aid training they received. Social media was also a useful tool to reach more people, get feedback, and to talk about their personal challenges. They found that most students were struggling with systemic issues around direction and social anxiety. Lyons cooperated with his cousin, creator of coaching and mentoring programmes for the NHS and government, to design a model to create communities at universities for students by students. 

BreatheUni supports student committees by providing training, work placements and resources to raise awareness. “As a Westminster alumnus I have been able to supervise placement students and be an active member of our student group, who have just been awarded society of the year by the UWSU. My sister was a finalists of the Undergraduate of the Year award for her work at the University of Birmingham. This recognition has allowed us to provide training and consulting larger organisations. Even addressing the policymakers at the Westminster Higher Education Forum conference.”

Lyons is now an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and wellbeing strategy consultant of the Youth Mental Health Board. During the pandemic he decided to leave the marketing-tech company he was working for and complete an Psychology MSc course. Now he aspires to become a licensed therapist, representing a growing minority of Black men with a professional background in wellbeing. Both he and his sister have recently joined the youth mental health charity Wearebeyond, creating opportunities to reach even more students, including their recent collaboration with Student Roost. Moving forward they hope to create and support an online network of young aspirational leaders and changemakers as BreatheUnion, hosted on the MasteriGroup

BreatheUni as a society aims to meet up on a weekly basis, depending on the availability of the members. Sessions, events and courses are delivered either online or on campus. Students who are not members of society can also take part in some of their programmes. For example, this year they organised discussions about stress and anxiety; mental health, and how reading impacts wellbeing; an exam and CV-writing workshop; and a journaling session. BreatheUni also has programmes in Birmingham and Nottingham, offering similar support to the one at Westminster. 

Learn more about Student Wellbeing at the University of Westminster.

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