In April, Westminster Working Cultures (WWC) UK offered current students and recent graduates the opportunity to hear from a diverse range of inspiring alumni speakers and partner organisations, encouraging them to gain key skills and learn about how to best prepare for the landscape of professional opportunities in the UK.

Screenshot of an online session of Westminster Working Cultures

With two programmes offering a mix of online and in-person sessions, skills development workshops, and networking activities, participants built their communication skills, their network, and became more confident in presenting themselves to future employers and colleagues. Asking over 300 questions to 49 different speakers, each participant engaged in their own professional development and received advice that will help to guide them on their career path. Speakers shared their guidance with students on overcoming imposter syndrome, finding what motivates them, dealing with burnout, bonding with their new team, and so much more.

WWC UK included speakers from Santander, Channel 4, Deliveroo, Microsoft, JP Morgan, the BBC, BT, the Howard de Walden Estate, the UK Government and more. Participants also heard from speakers who have started their own business, learning about their entrepreneurial journey.

Participants on the hybrid 5-day programme connected with each other in-person and virtually, getting the opportunity to visit offices and speakers in London and Leeds. The programme coordinated a day trip to Leeds, during which our students were hosted by LeedsBID (Business Improvement District) and interacted with a range of alumni and partners from different sectors. Participants learnt about the opportunities beyond London and the promise of the city for young professionals. Throughout sessions, participants broadened their career horizons and discovered a city that attracts talented graduates.


Picture of students participating in a Westminster Working Cultures Session


Talking about the programme, one of the participants said: “This whole WWC UK experience has been very valuable to me. Within the three days, I was able to gain a lot of insight from a variety of people from a wide range of ethnically diverse groups. This was important for me as I hoped to gain an outlook on how individuals from different backgrounds experience fallbacks as well as achievements in their professional career. This has empowered me to make use of my resilience and determination in achieving what I want from life.”

A Psychology BSc Honours student, Alicia Victor Soler, joined the 5-day WWC UK programme and reflected: “Through this experience, I have enhanced and rediscovered multiple skills that I didn't expect I would. I think that the main thing is that I have been able to improve my confidence in myself when putting myself out in the job world. Having to speak in public has always been something quite daunting to me, but being in this supportive environment has really helped me to understand that I can actually do it. I think that this experience has also opened my eyes to so many job roles that I did not know about and increased my knowledge and interest in certain areas that I didn't think were for me. I also feel like I have been so inspired by so many people who are so passionate about what they do and want to share with as many people as possible how to get to where they are, something that I am hoping to be in the same position in in a few years myself.”

This programme was made possible by the generous funding support from the Quintin Hogg Trust and was organised by the Westminster Working Cultures team within the Alumni Relations office.

WWC UK is part of a wider programme of activity, including WWC International and WWC Professional, and is designed to support the employability skills development and global outlook of Westminster students. The WWC UK programme has hosted three programmes this academic year, which featured a range of successful alumni and partner organisations with over 150 Westminster students and Class of 2020 graduates participating. Upcoming WWC activities will take place in June 2021.

Learn more about Westminster Working Cultures UK or email [email protected].

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