The University of Westminster played an integral part at the second Uzbekistan-United Kingdom Education Forum 2024 which was held at the Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) between 4-5 March.

The Forum was a joint initiative between the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the British Council in Uzbekistan, the University of Westminster and Westminster International University in Tashkent.
The impact of Higher Education (HE) policy, practice and partnerships was a focus throughout the event. The Forum addressed core priorities for HE in Uzbekistan and the UK and highlighted key ways in which these priorities are delivered, including through transnational educational (TNE) collaborations.
The first day included a presentation by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations on key priorities and educational developments in Uzbekistan. Forum sessions addressed how universities respond to the requirements of and challenges from global and local environments, explored what effective university governance and quality assurance look like and outlined processes for developing inclusive HE. Discussions were enriched by contributions made by students from disadvantaged groups, specifically disabled students.
The second day addressed innovation and impact in research and knowledge exchange and explored trends and developments in TNE. The role played by Uzbekistan-UK TNE collaborations in wider higher education developments in Uzbekistan was a central theme, as was the broader role of universities as drivers of positive local and global change.
The event saw Uzbek Government officials, invited delegates from British and Uzbek universities and representatives from the private sector, international agencies and think tanks share ideas, knowledge and expertise.
The University was represented by Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Peter Bonfield, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Employability and Global Engagement Professor Dibyesh Anand, Director of Transnational Education Stephen Wallis and Professor Alexandra Hughes.
Professor Hughes joined a panel titled Developing Inclusive Higher Education in Uzbekistan and gave a presentation on the Inclusive HE stakeholder mapping exercise and the Good Practice Guide, while Professor Anand spoke on a panel titled Sustainable Development Goals and its National, Regional and Global Impact: Research and Knowledge Exchange. Wallis also presented on the University of Westminster-WIUT partnership as part of a panel on trends and developments in TNE and priorities for Uzbekistan – UK TNE collaboration.
Professor Bonfield said: “The Forum brought together stakeholders from Uzbekistan and the UK for two days of dynamic discussion, addressing opportunities and challenges facing Higher Education in both nations. I was delighted to be able to share perspectives drawn from our longstanding and unique TNE partnership with Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT). And I was excited to be part of the Forum’s energetic exploration of how transnational educational connections can support the further growth of capacity building work and excellence in Higher Education in Uzbekistan and the UK.”
This event directly contributed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 17: Partnerships for the Goals and 4: Quality Education. Since 2019, the University of Westminster has used the SDGs holistically to frame strategic decisions to help students and colleagues fulfil their potential and contribute to a more sustainable, equitable and healthier society.
Find out more about the University of Westminster’s Transnational Education partner institutions.