In June, 47 Westminster students had the chance to explore the professional environments of Barcelona, Berlin and Washington DC as part of the Westminster Working Cultures (WWC) programme.

WWC trip to Spotify in Berlin

WWC International provides short-term mobility opportunities to Westminster students, giving them a chance to experience work insights and employment culture in some of the world’s major cities. Participants have the unique opportunity to hear from a diverse range of inspiring alumni speakers and partner organisations and be guided by them in their journey to become work-ready, confident and successful graduates.

Three separate groups of students visited Barcelona, Berlin and Washington DC, where they met almost 40 Westminster alumni and partners. Across 27 sessions, they heard about various professional journeys unique to the local working environment and explored different sectors such as Communications, Journalism, Law Entrepreneurship, Media, Consulting and Tech.

WWC collaborated with Black History Year Create to design a bespoke trip for students participating in this six-month initiative designed to empower Black students during the final year of their undergraduate degree programme. Black History Year Create is funded by the Quintin Hogg Trust EDI programme: Community and Communities. Students explored Black identity in the USA through a range of activities, including sessions with Dr Shantella Sherman, a Historian and Publisher at The Acumen Group, and Roy Lewis, a Civil Rights photographer. They also visited the National Museum of African American History and Culture and Howard University, a historically Black college.



About the experience with WWC Washington DC, Pharmacology and Physiology BSc Honours student Andre Gordon said: “Reflecting on my journey with the BHY Create program and the Westminster Working Cultures (WWC) trip to Washington DC, I am filled with a profound sense of growth and empowerment. This experience has been transformative, providing invaluable insights, skills and a deeper understanding of myself. The international experience has significantly enhanced my professional skills. Engaging with industry leaders and participating in diverse workshops has taught me practical strategies to navigate and challenge systemic barriers.”

With visits from esteemed alumni and partners, trips to corporate offices and cultural excursions, including visits to Casa Batlló in Barcelona, the Memorial for the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin and the Library of Congress in Washington DC, students were able to find strength outside of their comfort zones and meet both local and expat role models who reflected on their challenges and life experiences.

Alumni speakers showcased the working cultures of, and routes into, organisations such as the British Embassy, EcoLab, Glovo, Google, Mango, Spotify and Revolut. Participants also heard from speakers who have started their own businesses, learning about what it takes to thrive as an entrepreneur.

About the experience with WWC Berlin, Finance BSc Honours student Mariam Suchi said: “Over the course of five days in Berlin, I've embarked on a journey of self-discovery, learning and growth that has fundamentally transformed my perspective of myself and the world around me. Initially viewing myself as extroverted, I've come to recognise burgeoning introversion, illustrating the fluid nature of personality and growth. Speakers like Viktor Zajak at Spotify and Larisa Holzner at MODIFI have instilled a sense of resilience, teaching me the value of perseverance and the courage to embrace failure as a step towards success. Yoga with Gundula Cöllen-Sorger at BECYCLE & BEYOND Berlin not only introduced me to a new hobby but also underscored the importance of passion and vision in realising one's dreams. My experience at Macromedia University highlighted the significance of media literacy and the power of networking. Finally, touching moments at the Memorial for the Murdered Jews of Europe deepened my empathy and historical awareness. Each day has contributed to a broader understanding of personal development, encouraging me to remain open-minded, persistent and compassionate in my journey.”

WWC is designed to support Westminster students' professional skills development and global outlook. WWC International has hosted 28 trips worldwide since its launch in 2017, featuring a range of successful alumni and partner organisations with over 500 Westminster students participating. Upcoming WWC programmes will take place in the UK, Dubai, Hong Kong and Toronto in September 2025.

These trips directly contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Quality Education. Since 2019, the University of Westminster has used the SDGs holistically to frame strategic decisions to help students and colleagues fulfil their potential and contribute to a more sustainable, equitable and healthier society

Learn more about Westminster Working Cultures or email the Westminster Working Cultures team.

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