Grace Boateng, Real Estate Development MSc student and Landsec Scholar, has secured a high-profile internship with Landsec, one of the largest publicly-listed real estate companies in Europe, with a portfolio of retail, leisure, workspace and residential hubs. One month in she talks about her university journey and her experience at the internship so far.

1. What has your journey been like from before university to now? 

Since I had an undergraduate degree in Marketing I was employed in the field before starting my Master's. I had a great time with Marketing and I want to apply the skills and information I've acquired in the future. I was always fascinated by everything related to property development, so I pursued a Master's in Real Estate Development. My Master's degree adventure has been nothing short of extraordinary. I was given so many opportunities that I never thought of. From securing the Landsec Futures Scholarship to landing an internship at Landsec as a Development intern was amazing. 

2. Why did you choose to study at university?

I decided to go to university to learn more about the job path I was eager to pursue. I have a lot more motivation to learn and be useful in the industry of property development now that I have this degree under my belt. I was able to get a great deal of assistance and knowledge about all facets of Real Estate. Before diving headfirst into the Real Estate industry, I wanted to acquire some knowledge and expertise.  

3. Why did you pick the University of Westminster?

I chose the University of Westminster because having completed my undergraduate studies there, I was aware of the institution's practicality and diversity. The University's provision of assistance and encouragement to students was exceptional, and I found it admirable that outstanding educators and leaders were willing to invest their knowledge and skills in their pupils.  

5. How has the scholarship and Westminster helped you with your studies and securing the internship?

With the scholarship, I was able to focus and achieve academic excellence by studying stress-free and with peace of mind. I am thankful to Landsec for their assistance since it alleviated any financial stress and helped me in several ways. I was matched with a very experienced and helpful mentor thanks to the scholarship. He supported me every step of the process so that I did not feel overburdened or hesitant, and he even urged me to apply for the internship, which I did. Throughout my studies, Westminster helped make sure I was getting the assistance I needed and instilled confidence in me to talk to them about any problems.

6. How has the University prepared you for your internship?

The University has helped and supported me in a variety of ways, including how to be confident in a professional setting and how to use the knowledge I have gained from my degree in my internship and career, which has helped me be ready for the internship.

7. How is the internship going so far?

The internship is going great thus far. I am grateful for all of the assistance and direction I have already received. I have gained a great deal of knowledge about property development from experienced professionals in the area in the short period that I have been here.  I am thrilled to work in this industry and advance.

8. What do you hope you will get out of the internship?

By the time the internship ends, I aim to have gained confidence in the field in which I work and acquired a variety of practical skills that will help me in my future profession. By the end of my internship, I expect to have gained more insight into property development and be presented with several opportunities.

9. What are your hopes and plans for the future?

My goals and aspirations for the future are to continue doing what I am passionate about, to maintain the drive and enthusiasm I had when I started, and to witness greater diversity in this industry. My goal is to infuse a fresh perspective into the Real Estate sector and inspire other individuals who have a strong interest in it to pursue their dreams!

10. What advice would you give to those leaving school who are unsure what their next steps should be?

Finding what motivates you and what you are most passionate about might help you explore those areas is the advice I would provide to people who are finishing school and are unclear on what to do next. There is a tonne of options available, some of which you may already be aware of and others of which you may have considered. However, you must conduct the necessary research and make the correct connections with those who have been there before and this can guide you towards the desired outcome. If you consider a problem and determine that there is a need in the market or the sector you wish to enter, then fill that need! Above all, have self-assurance and faith in yourself.


Find out about studying Construction, Surveying and Real Estate courses at the University of Westminster.

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